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Crazy Faith Talk

Crazy Faith Talk


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An engaging, comedic, serious, and hopefully interesting foray into the world of Christianity. Join the discussion...believer, atheist, or skeptic alike! Hosted by Pastor Erica, a Methodist, Pastor Sarah, a Lutheran, and Pastor Steve, who is also Lutheran, Crazy Faith Talk is an ecumenical experiment of cross conversation (pun intended).

On-Demand Episodes

In this week's episode of Crazy Faith Talk, pastors Sarah, Erica, and Sarah begin a round of conversations highlighting people in the Bible they would like to be, or would want to have some part of. And to get this started, we'll take a look at... more

This week, our series "Who We DON'T Want To Be" takes a look at Simon Peter, the fisherman-turned-apostle who talked a good game and often had half-right answers, only to misunderstand or let Jesus down when it counted. This week,... more

In this series we've just recently started here in these late summer days, pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve are asking the question, "Who do you NOT want to be from the Bible?" And each week, we'll feature a different biblical character,... more

In a new series kicking off here in these late days of summer, pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve are exploring biblical characters we would not want to be, and maybe why they wouldn't be so bad after all. Getting things started, a look at... more

At the end of the last book of the Christian Bible, there is a vision of a wholly renewed creation, a "new heavens and a new earth," in which mnay peoples (plural) from every language, tribe, and nation are gathered into God's presence,... more

As we keep thinking through the value of having a separation between church and state in the United States, pastors Sarah, Erica, and Steve spend some time looking at the biblical picture of the church as a multi-national community. From... more

As we continue our summer series exploring why the separation of church and state is good for both sides of that arrangement, we explore the way our voice as Christians can be a helpful check and balance on the actions and decisions of... more

This summer on Crazy Faith Talk, we're taking a look at the separation of church and state in the American experiment, and why it's a good thing. Around the table as usual are pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve, and this week, we're looking... more

This week on Crazy Faith Talk, we continue our series exploring the separation of church and state by looking at what happens when governments overstep their bounds and claim to speak for God (or the gods). Whether it's pagan empires... more

Should the government get to dictate what the correct belief in God is? Should the church be able to punish people with jail time for incorrect theology or unorthodox biblical interpretation? Are there good reasons why the Founders of the... more

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