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Freedom Doors Ministries

Jesus In the Morning Radio


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The Gospel is the good news that God is restoring our broken lives through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ his only begotten son. Freedom Doors Ministries, spreading the Good News of Jesus. Here on Jesus In The Morning we bring information in many different ways to our listeners but, mainly through a different speaker daily with a fresh word from Heaven for the day.

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?? Current Bio- Miss Johnnie Goolsby Miss Johnnie Goolsby is a Christian author, speaker, professional singer, screenwriter, and is also the Founder of Evangelism in Motion Outreach. She is also called on frequently to use her gifts as a... more

New York Post By Max Jaege Las Vegas massacre is deadliest shooting in modern US histor Las Vegas madman Stephen Paddock set up a camera inside his hotel room to capture his deadly shooting rampage — and other... more

We the Believers need a closer walk with Almighty God. The people in the world has changed and we changed with them and what many calls the times. Many think like the world, act like the world, and do what the world does. We have... more

Now without faith you want get anything because you can't or want believe. Trust in will leave you with healing and all that you need. Love is God and he has all power, there is no higher power. Favor get you in positions, doors, and places... more

September 28, 2017 I need help understanding the new changes in the world. From words to food I need help because everything has changed. Right is wrong and wrong is right. How can children not be confuses. If adutls are messed up... more

A Relationship is a great thing to have with someone you have gotten to know. Today it appears everything and everyone are in a rush. Many rushes into a relationship that can't last because they went about it in the wrong way. Time... more

Technology today has so much to offer. Back in the day a phone could only dial out or dial in. Today a phone can do almost anything. Computers, laptop, and ipads along with phones can search the world from your fingertips. I can... more

Jesus in the Morning Radio Talk Show! Anniversary 7 years later God is still faithful to his people. I remember many of the people that use to come each morning. Sis G, Min Love, and Elder Jennie Jackson Smith. Min Love would... more

For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son. God loves us the problem is this, many don't believe and refuse to take the time to investigate him and his love. People can be so whimpyand babyish. The don't want anything... more

Prayer And Faith Goes Together, Along With Work Looking at James Chaptertwoverses 17-22 talks about faith without works. Septemeber the entire month we need to grow in praying, studying God word, and Faith. Having faith... more
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