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Live in Family

  • Live & Upcoming Episodes (5)
  • 00:27

    Arizona Facts of Life

    in Dads and Family

    On today's show, we discuss Arizona Facts of Life with Yolanda Robinson.Yolanda grew up in a poverty stricken area, did not graduate high school, and became a teen mother. Despite all of this, she persevered and was inspired to start Arizona Facts Of Life (AZFOL) after she spent 8 years in the social services field observing the needs of today’s youth while drawing from her own experiences. During her time in social services she has beaten the odds stacked against her from being a teen mom. She earned her GED and made the decision to attend college, earning her Bachelors of Science degree in Family and Human Development from Arizona State University. Yolanda is utilizing her past experiences and observations through Arizona Facts of Life. She uses her past experiences in every facet of her organization in an attempt to make the young ladies understand the importance of education and that success is also possible in their lives  
    Guest Speaker Information: Yolanda Robinson, Founder and Executive Director Email: yrobinson@azfactsoflife.org  website : http://azfactsoflife.org  

  • 00:26

    Command the Courtroom

    in Dads and Family

    On today's show, we discuss Command the Courtroom with Wendy Hernandez. Although you have an absolute right to represent yourself, there are significant risks and responsibilities which go along with that right. It is important that you carefully examine the risks at every stage of the court process to determine if you are able to go forward without an attorney. Family Law cases are often difficult because of the law, the facts and the emotions of the case. When children are concerned, the level of difficulty rises considerably. Neither the Clerks nor the Judges can answer legal questions on how to proceed. They cannot tell you what to do with your case. If you choose to represent yourself, be aware that you are solely responsible for your own advice and decisions. You are your own attorney and must act accordingly.
    Guest Speaker Information:
    Wendy Hernandez Attourney and Counselor at Law Email: wrh@hernandezfirm.com Website:hernandezfirm.com

  • 00:27

    The Journey to Fatherhood part 2

    in Dads and Family

    On today's show, we discussThe Journey to Fatherhood part 2 with Vance Simms. With the odds against Vance, he fought to be the father to his son Nathan that he did not have growing up. This interview offers inspiration and hope to fathers young and old across this country.
    Guest Speaker Information: Vance Simms Founder/Executive Director of Father Matters INC. Phone: 602.774.3298 Website: www.fathermatters.org 

  • 00:26

    Broken boy broken man

    in Dads and Family

     Broken boy broken man. A live recording from our Fathers Mentoring Fathers workshop. Former victims of child abuse are typically changed by the experience, not only because they were traumatized, but because they feel a loss of innocence and dignity and they carry forward a heavy burden of shame. Emotional, physical, and sexual child abuse can so overwhelm a victim with shame that it actually comes to define the person, keeping him from his full potential. It can cause a victim both to remain fixed at the age he was at the time of his victimization and to repeat the abuse over and over in his lifetime.
    Guest Speaker Information:  Father Matters INC. Phone: 602.774.3298 Website: www.fathermatters.org 