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Mike Safo


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Just a regular New York City guy who gets to interview some pretty amazing people... A conversation/hangout podcast with friends, athletes, authors, celebrities, fighters, and the world's most fascinating people "the greatest podcast ever" - My Mom RSSVERIFY

On-Demand Episodes

Joined today by Super Bowl champion Martin Gramática. Martin talks about being a child in ‘86 when Argentina won the World Cup, how he celebrated the last year of them winning the Cup, and his superstitions watching... more

Joined today by the number two competitive food eater in the world and the 2024 Nathan‘s hot dog eating champion, Patrick Bartolo. Patrick talks about growing up in Chicago, going to culinary school and opening up his restaurant... more

Joined today, by UFC legend, Mark the Filipino wrecking machine Muñoz. Mark talks about being a Lolo (grandfather), becoming a comic book superhero in the loop with a vengeance comic series, and his superhero skills. He... more

Joined today by former UFC Champion and Founder/CEO of Wild Society Nutrition, T.J. Dillashaw. T.J. talks about growing up in California, wrestling as a child and his collegiate career at Cal State Fullerton. We go over the science of... more

Joined today by the former heavyweight champion of the world, Chris Byrd. Chris reminisces about growing up in Flint, Michigan with 8 siblings, why Boxing was the only thing for him, and his insane amateur career which included over 285... more

Joined today, all the way from the Philippines, UFC alumni and current competitor in bare knuckle fighting, Rolando Dy. Rolando and I talk about growing up in the Philippines, being a girl dad, and some of his favorite foods. We then chat about... more

Joined today with UFC alumni, the Filipino phenom Eddie Yagin. Eddie and I discuss healthy eating, our crazy diet, how we were lied to about the food pyramid, and when we became knowledgeable about what we put in our body.... more

Joined today by New York Times Best-selling author, Caitlin Rother. Caitlin talks about growing up in La Jolla, attending Cal Berkley for psychology and then Northwestern for journalism. We go over her early career, working in... more

Joined today by New York Times best selling author, Keith O'Brien. Keith reminisces about growing up in Cincinnati, attending Northwestern and his favorite alumni. Due to my obsession with UK, we chat about his first book ?Outside... more

Joined today by reporter and author of the new book "The New York Game: Baseball and the Rise of a New City", Kevin Baker. Kevin shares about writing for the local newspaper at age 13, moving to NYC in the 70's and what the... more

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