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Progressive news & analysis from Florida and around the world Produced and Hosted by Jeanine Molloff Producer Emeritus Rick Spisak

On-Demand Episodes

Brook Hines with election post-mort. Rick Spisak chats with Denis Campbell in UK on US elections and Covid. Jeanine Molloff turns to "horserace reporting" on The Justice Report. Essential AOC interview with NYTs (archive here). David... more

Brook Hines and special guest Victor Tiffany with response to early election night returns

Brook Hines with pre-election coverage. Jeanine Molloff with important new Covid information, research. Buzzfeed article on civil unrest. Kavanaugh WaPo article on scandal of citing Bush v Gore as precedent in Wisconsin Why Bush v Gore Still... more

Judge Amy Coney Barrett has been vilified by those of us on the political left for her anti-feminist views as espoused by her lifelong membership in an ultra-fundamentalist sect of Catholicism called the People of Praise. While this is... more

Brook Hines --> I'm sick this week, which I talk about. I have a form of post-viral syndrome that's similar to what Covid long-haulers are experiencing. Essentially it's like have a "small flu" every so ofter. In light of this mild *disability* I've got... more

What would a second Trump administration mean for environmental concerns--expecially issues of environmental racism? How could environmentalists mitigate the damage that has been done on a wholesale... more

Brook Hines on social media censorship; the NY Post Hunter Biden story; what Ukraine has to do with it. Rick Spisak interviews Maggie Hurchalla for an update on the SLAPP suit against her. Jeanine Molloff with The Justice Report on... more

This week on EJR, we will be going into more detail regarding the damage done by the arbitration tool known as ISDS or the Investor Settlement Dispute regimen. ISDS is a major feature built into bilateral and multilateral trade agreements for... more

Brook Hines on voter registration, liberal powerlessness, & a weird week in Russiagate. Rick Spisak chats with Denis Campbell in Wales about Trump and the election. Jeanine Molloff's The Justice Report on gross inequality in... more

St. James Parish, Louisiana is also known as 'Cancer Alley.' The abnormally epidemic rate of cancer along this region coincides with massive industrial pollution. There has been zero accountability for the public regarding this... more

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