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Progressive news & analysis from Florida and around the world Produced and Hosted by Jeanine Molloff Producer Emeritus Rick Spisak

On-Demand Episodes

PNN - THE HEARINGS BEGIN - PNN - Brings you a thoughtful analysis of the weeks news. Hosted and Lead this week by Senior Producer Brook Hines also our Senior Political Analyst we will delve into the latest issues on the twists... more

A coalition of progressive groups including Our Revolution and Justice Democrats are calling for "unity" after Elizabeth Warren's betrayal of Bernie Sanders at January's only Democratic Presidential debate before the Iowa caucuses.... more

Holy smokes ya'll, last night's debate was easily the worst presidential debate I've seen in my life. CNN owes the world an apology. Let's break it down and then try to put it back together. I'll be taking callers in the second half of the show... more

"PNN - the Ears of Janus" Starting off with the Bridge of Intellect Our pillars of Wisdom, Brook Hines Senior Producer and our Associate Producer and Justice Correspondent Jeanine Molloff. Brook Hines, typically analyzes our latest... more

PNN - 2020 Vision an Auspicious Start, Brook addresses the Democratic Leadership, Jeanine speaks to the abomination that is the Unitary Executive. Our News Director Rick Spisak interviews three interesting guests: Florida Legislator... more

PNN - OFF THE DEC - and the questions remain - As we face the end of the year and the End of a Decade certain questions remain. Brook regaling us with her insights as she wraps up another year in American Democracy. She will treat on... more

PNN - All I want for Christmas is an Impeachment Trial - Interviews with former Congressman Alan Grayson on his new book and MORE. Brook Hines Executive Producer shares a "Very Bernie Christmas," along with a quick debate rundown.... more

Thursday night's Democratic Presidential Debate gave me all the feels so let's talk about it. I'll review the debate & post-debate chatter which seems especially interesting for this debate compared to others. If you'd like to call in and share... more

PNN - Seduced by Tory Corporatists a reflection on the BREXIT Win and the TRUMPENDIUM IMPEACHMENT PROCESS BROOK HINES our Senior Producer brings her years of activism and leadership in the progressive... more

PNN - ?Out of Hand? Featuring our regulars: Senior Producer Brook Hines on Biden calling an Iowa farmer FAT; Hillary completely misrepresenting history, and Buttigeig's CIA ties. Justice Correspondent Jeanine Molloff reports on the radical... more

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