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Omega Man Radio is a Full Gospel Internet Radio Show which preaches the Gospel - the Good News of Jesus Christ, Casts out Devils and prays for the sick that they be healed in Jesus Christ Name. Free Exorcism and Deliverance.

On-Demand Episodes

"Your Portion from God" / Kenneth Ramsby / OMR #11357 Recorded 11-5-2024 on OMEGAMAN Evangelist Kenneth Ramsby www.luke418radio.com #Jesus #jesuschrist #omegaman #omegamanradio #shannonraydavis #deliverance... more

"God Speaks!" / Terry Jefferson / OMR #11356 Recorded 11-5-2024 on OMEGAMAN https://www.omegamanradio.com/ #Jesus #jesuschrist #omegaman #omegamanradio #shannonraydavis #deliverance #kingjamesbible #audiobible... more

"The Foolishness of Preaching" / Betsy Pellitteri and Joseph Cohen / OMR #11355 Recorded 11-5-2024 on OMEGAMAN #Jesus #jesuschrist #omegaman #omegamanradio #shannonraydavis #deliverance #kingjamesbible #audiobible... more

"SMW+: Isaiah 25-29" / Shannon Ray Davis / OMR #11354 Recorded 11-5-2024 on OMEGAMAN https://www.omegamanradio.com/ #Jesus #jesuschrist #omegaman #omegamanradio #shannonraydavis #deliverance #kingjamesbible... more

Produced by DJ OMEGAMAN™ for Speak My Word™ Radio

Speak My Word™ Radio - Episode 1 - 11.5.2024 Recorded 11-5-2024 Readings: Genesis 1-2 / Psalms 1-5 / Proverbs 1 / Matthew 1 / Revelation 1 YOUTUBE CHANNEL HERE:... more

"The Parable of the Good Samaritan" / Joseph Ferrara / OMR #11353 Recorded 11.4.2024 on OMEGAMAN https://www.omegamanradio.com/ #Jesus #jesuschrist #omegaman #omegamanradio #shannonraydavis #deliverance #kingjamesbible... more

"Update from Miracle Valley Arizona" / Luis Bettencourt / OMR #11352 Recorded 11-4-2024 on OMEGAMAN omegamanradio.com https://www.omegamanradio.com/ #Jesus #jesuschrist #omegaman... more

"My Testimony in Christ" / Mario Romero and Ron Cohen / OMR #11351 Recorded 11-4-2024 on OMEGAMAN omegamanradio.com

Isaiah 23-24: SMW+" / Shannon Ray Davis / OMR #11350 Recorded 11-4-2024 on OMEGAMAN https://www.omegamanradio.com/ #Jesus #jesuschrist #omegaman #omegamanradio #shannonraydavis #deliverance #kingjamesbible... more
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