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Starseed Radio Academy

Starseed Radio Academy


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Hosted by Arielle Taylor~~~~ For over 25 years, locked in a bank vault, an ongoing collection of chronicles has awaited their time coded release, and now is the time. These are the true journals of galactic ET demonstrations experienced by someone Hollywood would call "The Female Galactic Indiana Jones." Her interactions and assignments with the Pleiadeans were recorded by her for future generations of starseed, a word that she first coined in the '70s, so that they will understand the true nature of extraterrestrial agenda and their own roles on this planet. Millions of people have had indirect contact with her work without realizing it, since she has trained, mentored, guided and assisted many celebrities and high profile people with whose work they are familiar. Join us as Lavandar reveals for the first time the details of her spellbinding and sometimes dangerous adventures, as each one adds a piece to the galactic puzzle of what's truly happening here.

On-Demand Episodes

Passion and Love are the creative forces of the Universe and when you tap into them, you can step fully into your purpose in this lifetime! Learn how to identify your own Passion Matrix so you can create multiple streams of income by living... more

Alura is a 5th dimensional Pleiadian being who is channeled by Denyse. Alura specializes in working with Starseed and Lightworkers in person or via Skype to provide past life regression and healing sessions. In 2010 during a meditation,... more

In "Raindrops of Love for a Thirsty World" Workman summons the wisdom of the Life Force that flows within us all, and invites it to speak with us in its own words. The book inspires a healthy sense of self-love in the reader in order to propel... more

This episode is dedicated to the Starseeds who have yet to join us in Arkansas for the Starseed Quest, from those who were with us in March and May of this year. Listen to the stories of some of the wonderful people who have been... more

Julie Loar's mission is to help modern people understand ancient wisdom and the hidden history of planet Earth. She is the multiple award-winning author of six books and dozens of articles. Her books have been translated into several... more

After 4 Near Death Experiences, Sherry Anshara now devotes her life to teaching and supporting individuals, families and even businesses and corporations to heal their Duality-based emotional and physical baggage of limitations on this 3rd... more

Energy is the currency of life. Mother Earth has gone through much in the last 4,000 years. While the human race is resilient to planetary changes, there is an invisible force that is depleting, yet vital in keeping us alive: Magnetism.... more

Ann Crawford is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and the author of four books, all on Amazon. Her latest book, "Spellweaver" is the story of a special healer during the witch hunts of Scotland. Her other books include the hilarious... more

After high school, Californian Craig Campobasso found himself working behind the scenes for 4 years on Frank Herbert's Dune. The father and daughter producing team, Dino and Raffaella De Laurentiis, and director David Lynch,... more

Bill Rosek is an 86-year-old metaphysician, a psychic channel/author who has been on the spiritual path back to conscious Oneness with God for 48 years. Tutored by the Archangels and Ascended Masters on the spiritual path to... more
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