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Starseed Radio Academy

Starseed Radio Academy


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Hosted by Arielle Taylor~~~~ For over 25 years, locked in a bank vault, an ongoing collection of chronicles has awaited their time coded release, and now is the time. These are the true journals of galactic ET demonstrations experienced by someone Hollywood would call "The Female Galactic Indiana Jones." Her interactions and assignments with the Pleiadeans were recorded by her for future generations of starseed, a word that she first coined in the '70s, so that they will understand the true nature of extraterrestrial agenda and their own roles on this planet. Millions of people have had indirect contact with her work without realizing it, since she has trained, mentored, guided and assisted many celebrities and high profile people with whose work they are familiar. Join us as Lavandar reveals for the first time the details of her spellbinding and sometimes dangerous adventures, as each one adds a piece to the galactic puzzle of what's truly happening here.

On-Demand Episodes

The Archangels have been communicating with Marilyn Zschau Baars for over twenty-five years. However, prior to 2003, she was a well-known operatic soprano under her professional name, Marilyn Zschau. She sang dramatic soprano roles... more

Sheila Keene Lund had two near-death experiences before she was a teenager, which fueled her passion to discover answers to the questions "Who am I, why am I here, and where am I in the universe?" She delved into meditation, and... more

"Enlightened Contact with ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence" is what happens at the ECETI Ranch in Washington state, where James Gilliland has been the steward of the land and hosted countless visits from UFOs, ETs and humans. This... more

Frank Joseph is the author of twenty histories --- ancient and modern --- published in eighteen different languages. Born in Chicago and educated at Southern Illinois University's School of Journalism, a member of the Oriental... more

Authors of "Common Sense in Uncommon Times: Survival Techniques for a Changed World" Brian Crissey, PhD and Pamela Meyer Crissey, who have published over 70 books on topics such as UFOs, past lives and shamanic... more

Kymberlee Ruff, MFT, is 1/4 Cherokee. She was adopted into the Hopi family of Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma in 2006. In 2001, Tibetan Monks came to Santa Barbara looking for her son, a tradition of Tibetan Buddhists to send out... more

Kaayla Fox and Duane Miles are a dynamic pair from Sedona whose spiritual, intuitive abilities are intertwined in healing, activational art forms. Kaayla is best known as the creator of LightCircles Jewelry, inspired from crop circles found... more

Welcome back to international and New York Times Bestselling author of "The Expected One", The Book of Love" and The Poet Prince", Kathleen McGowan, and Kathryn Brinkley, author of "Jewels for the Soul", publisher of Kinetics... more

John Michael Greer is an American author, independent scholar, historian of ideas, cultural critic, Neo-druid leader, Hermeticist, environmentalist/conservationist, blogger, novelist, and occultist/esotericist. His... more

Our honored guest this week is Kathleen McGowan, New York Times international best-selling author of ?The Expected One?, ?The Book of Love? and ?The Poet Prince.? Her personal story is one of destiny and courage, as she... more
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