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Dr. ML & Cool TLC Observe & Report on the choices U make when U Know its stupid

  • Broadcast in Entertainment
The Mother Love Show

The Mother Love Show


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One fascinating thing about human nature is that lying has much less to do with virtue and more to do with our sense that we can get away with the lie. Humans lie when they feel as though the advantages of it outweigh the potential risk of being caught. This is why a few of us tell big whopping lies, but pretty much all of us fib here and there by nudging the details a little bit on our stories. https://markmanson.net/

You embellish stories to make yourself look & sound cool, Drive a car, buy a house you KNOW you can't afford, stay in a toxic relationship when you KNOW they're tore up from the floor up, You have a bunch of Baby Daddies, some you remember their names and others you cannot. You keep to your selection the same "I can fix him/her/them" and you end up broke, busted, disgusted and you move on if you can to the next Fixer Upper.

You know you have health issues, Diabetes, Heart Disease, and other chronic conditions you ignore until the last minute then you have to shoot Insulin and a host of other drugs. 

 You KNOW your Driver's License is expired and you act like you didn't know when you're pulled over by the PoPo! AND YOU have NO Insurance!

You Know U Can Make Him/Her Love you and it turns into stalking when they say NO, all kinds of crazy can and does happen.

People who drop unwanted furniture, mattresses, animals, and appliances on the roads/freeways

 Things you have to adjust to when you leave the Safe Zone of family, friends and familiar settings. BFD!!


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