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Theresa J Morris

TJ Morris ET Radio


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TJ Morris Agency, American Communications Online Broadcast Media News Publishing Platform. ACO Radio, ACIR Radio, TJ Morris ET Radio Live Talk Shows cyberspace culture community building. Movies, mysteries, cosmos, psychic, PsychicmediumTJMorris, ACO Association, ACOintl.com ACIT, ACOT, AICT, fixmywebs US, ACO WIFI Videos“We are accountable for our professional and personal behavior. We will be mindful of the privilege to serve our fellow Americans.” TJ Morris former US Navy now ACO Intl.com.TJ Morris Agency Host. Unique Conscious Raising Experiencers. Philosophy Commentators on Critical Mass Consciousness, Authors share informative experiences and research. Informational Teachings. Histories Mysteries, Spiritual Growth International Cyberspace Culture Community Call in 347-945-7207. American Communications Online Broadcasting. Conversations. Interviews, Topics of Interest, Pop Culture Reviews, Authors, ACO Press Club, Archivists, Authors, Visual and Performing Artists, Pop Culture, Entertainment, Sci-Fi, ACE Folklife Historical Society Oral Books, Art-Culture-Education - Science-Technology - History - Folklife, Wisdom Speakers, Psychic Network Club, Metaphysics, Esoterics, UAP Associates, UFO Association, Integrative Medicine, Mindfulness, Spirituality Wellness Coaches. Physics to Psychic University -Ascension Age Books-Movies ACE Folklife Guild of Writers, Archivists, Philosophers, Engineers, as Storytellers. Book Store Owners, Library Advocates. Theresa J Morris Ministries of Education. Universal Life Cosmos Conscious Space Advocates, Spiritual Science Audio/Video Services. ACIR ACO Press Club, ACO Historians, Researchers, ACE Folklife Guild Archivists Members join https://www.patreon.com/theresajmorris, ACO Reporters Conscious Raising to High Strangeness, Super Natural - Weird, Unexplained, Fortean, Paranormal, New Life 5D Dimension Nature to Nurture Cultural Philosophy Outreach & A.I. Monad Spiritual Science Mysticism.850-736-1580

On-Demand Episodes

JANET, Bill, Louise Thompson of Avalon TJ Morris is the Host Meet & Greet ACE FOLKLIFE CLUB of Artists, Creators, Entertainers, in the Social Paranormal Spiritual ET Community.TJ aka Theresa Janette and JK aka Janet Kira... more

AURORA LIGHT STORY News, Books, Biographies, Speaking Truth the Art of Sacred Speech among those who from the heavens came as ET. The levels of the universe, multiverse, metaverse, xenoverse, omniverse, alphaverse,... more

Janet Lessin, Tommy Hawksblood share with TJ. The Ascension Age 2012. Those who share in the Christ Consciousness understand that spirit is of God eternal and Christ walked the earth in flesh and came to teach of Love and Light... more

Believe? Yes or No? Aliens,Angels, God is Love and Light. The 7 heavens are Universe, Multiverse, Metaverse, Xenoverse, Alphaverse, Omniverse, and Humans are saved by Grace as believers in Christ, and God, the Holy Spirit,... more

TJ MORRIS ACIR ACO ~ Community of Practicing Skills Why a woman is ushering in the Ascension Age and yet has a flesh and blood life and talks of spirit and ascension age in 2012 & Beyond. we share our ACE Folklife in... more

Dr. Alex S. Lessin Ph.d., Janet Lessin, Lorian Fenton, Trent Millet, Energy as Timelines w/TJ ~ Emily Carter checks in.2012 How to Think-Stepped down in particles and waves from the Akashic Field personal consultant mind inside this... more

ACE FOLKLIFE Anew News ~ Special Interest Group (SIG) of American Intelligence and Ascension Age Realities of 2012 & Beyond within the Social Paranormal Community. See http://socialparanormal.com... more

Dr. Whodini -Bill Alek of Skytwatch Phoenix AZ will joins TJ to discuss technology and Anunnaki with EMILY CARTER of CA and Janet Lessin of Ascension Center.net. ,Stargatetothecosmos.com. http://TJMorrisET.comTJ Morris ET Club... more

JANET KIRA LESSIN~Project Looking Glass ~ How much do we really know or believe about what we are researching? Who is Who really? Preston Nichols Music may lead to the way others create the future?Maybe or Maybe we already... more

AURORA LIGHT PREPARE FOR THE LANDING & Hurrican Isaac with STEPHANIE PARRISH, TJ Morris's daughter LIVE on board the BOAT ANGEL's DAWN in the EYE of the Hurricane, Pass Christian, Mississippi. LATE... more
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