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Animal Advocates Radio

Voices Carry For Animals


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**Live Interview Animal Advocacy Radio Podcast!* **Welcome Aboard "Voices Carry for Animals"- Produced & Hosted By Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear".. LIVE Interview Shows every Thursday at 7:00 pm est.. Listen in Worldwide** **Voices Carry For Animals Website www.voicescarryforanimals.com SUBSCRIBE FREE!** ** Please Visit Voices Carry For Animals on X (Twitter) and Facebook** **Being a Voice for the voiceless, helpless, defenseless, and innocent. Strong teamwork leads to Strong Victories for our animal friends in need and distress.** **SPEAK/LISTEN IN (310) 982-4270 or listen by Internet. This is a Advocacy Podcast which deals with all issues about all animals in need & distress. Your Actions are needed to bring *J*U*S*T*I*C*E* for the animals.** **With My VOICE they will be HEARD..With My ACTIONS they will be FREE!~ ** Awareness, Education, Safety, Prevention, and Concern of Animal Welfare.

On-Demand Episodes

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear" Guest will be: Sabrina Fair Andronica- Children's Book Author and Activists of Labrador Retriever With The Block Head Paperback... more

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear" Guest: Marty Irby - Former executive director at Animal Wellness Action (still working with that organization) and Wild Beauty Foundation as a volunteer to help end horse slaughter. **TS Radio... more

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear" Guests will be: "Laws For Paws" Advocates- Brenda Vettraino & Gina Patolo https://www.facebook.com/groups/534257870953041 Topic: The current abuse... more

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear" Guest will be: Jodie Wiederkehr- Executive Director of Chicago Alliance for Animals... more

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear" Guests will be: Linda Greaves & Heather Hellyer - Organizers of the Save Our Wild Horses Conference April 22-26, 2023 in Washington, DC... more

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear" Guest will be: Chief Ken Ross Jr of SPCA Putnam County (NY) https://spcaputnam.org/ https://www.facebook.com/PutnamCountySPCA TOPIC: "Animal cruelty,... more

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear" Guest will be: Val Cecama-Hogsett - President of Oregon Wild Horse Organization (OWHO) https://www.oregon-wildhorse.org/ https://www.facebook.com/OregonWHO... more

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear" Guest will be: Wayne Pacelle - President & Founder at Animal Wellness Action & President at Center for a Humane Economy TOPICS: Discuss Animal Wellness Action VICTORIES 2022... more

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear" Guest will be: Beth Cherryholmes Miller - Creator, SMART Dog Park & Founder, Wagtown 501(c)(3)... more

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear" Guest will be: Mary-Ann Holm -President & Campaign Coordinator at Lucy's Edmonton Advocates' Project (LEAP)... more

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