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1. Everything Should Be Done in Reverse
Raise your hand if you ever had a great idea and spent days (or months) building service, incredible program, out on a course FIRST, and then thought, Okay now I need to market this.
2. Brainstorm Your Framework Until it’s a Doodle
You’ve seen Russell’s doodles right? They are REALLY simple.
3. The Doodles Within the Doodles
Some of you might be thinking, “But my teaching is too complex for a doodle!”
4. The Four Elements of a $3,000,000 Presentation
Many of you heard (how could you not?!) of the infamous $3M presentation Russell gave at the Grant Cardone event.
5. When Your Funnel Doesn’t Work and You Know Your Product is Amazing, it Boils Down to the Hook, the Headline, or the Framework
This is why I was in the batcave for TWO hours just banging out headline ideas with Karen, Jake, and Russell. Because he knows how important these three pieces are, to everything.
At one point, we were going back and forth about one word.