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Pastor Paul Begley

Coming Apocalypse


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Today is Super Tuesday and voting is going on in 13 States and the tensions could not be higher. Also Kevin Wilson will join Pastor Paul Begley with his powerful "Country Gospel Songs" as he will join Pastor Paul in West Monroe,... more

The Carbon Monoxide is getting worse and and volcanos are about to explode in Japan and time and bible prophecy is coming to past. Pastor Begley will break it all down during this broadcast.

Asteroid TX 68 is headed toward the Earth and should be a "Near Miss" on March 5-7 but NASA says it might "Smash" into the Earth. Also Methane Gas is leaking on the West Coast and expected to get worse as "Mike From Around... more

Mike From Around The World will join Pastor Paul Begley of Indiana and discuss Asteriod TX 68 and Military Movement around the World. Also Rabbi Yehuda Glick has won his court appearance as a Muslim woman said he pushed her... more

Japan is considering making "BITCOIN" a legal currency and this could be the beginning of the money of the Mark of the Beast". Also Tornadoes hit Virginia leaving damage and 4 dead. Also a sinkhole has opened up outside of Dallas,... more

Messianic Rabbi Steven Ben DeNoon will join Pastor Paul Begley of Indiana and discuss the "Middle East Madness". Also 30 tornadoes in the Gulf Coast leaves 3 dead and 30 injured is a miracle it was not worst. Also Winter Storm Petros has... more

Rev. TD Hale will join Pastor Paul Begley of indiana and explain the "12 Prophetic Signs for America" Vision and his "Presidental Dream" of the Election. Also "Black Water" pouring out of the faucets in Crystal City, Texas. Also 13 dead bald... more

Global Elites from the CIA, FBI, FEMA, NSA, TSA, and Wall Street Bankers going into hiding? Also Russia and America very close to a truce in Syria. Also Turkey wants the US to join a coalition to invade Syria. Also Damascus is being... more

The "Kingdom Blessing" is upon the Body of Christ and Pastor Paul Begley will bring forth the truth of the mighty "Kingdom Blessings" tonight in this powerful broadcast. Also the "Word on the Street" is that the Bilderberg Group are coming... more

Doug and Joe Hagmann will join Pastor Paul Begley of Indiana and bring forth "Breaking News" on the death of Justice Scalia. Also Pope Francis takes on Donald Trump over the Wall on Mexico border. Also Earthquake 5.1 hit near... more
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