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Faheem Shuaibe

Faheem Shuaibe


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Faheem Shuaibe hosts shows which address all things that affect and arise from "The Human Condition"; Business, Politics, Education, Culture and Religion

On-Demand Episodes

2:183 "O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may be conscious of yourself in the way Allah would have you be conscious of your self. 2:186?And when My slaves ask you... more

"O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may be conscious of yourself in the way Allah would have you be conscious of your self." (HQ 2:183) Hadith on The Persistence of Shaitan's... more

Abdullah ibn Mas'ud reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, ?Whoever recites a letter from the Book of Allah, then he will receive one good deed as ten good deeds like it. I do not say that Alif Lam Mim... more

2:185. Ramadan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur'an as a guide to mankind also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (between right and wrong). So everyone of you who is present (at his home) during that month should... more

2:185. Ramadan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur'an as a guide to mankind also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (between right and wrong). So everyone of you who is present (at his home) during that month should... more

Talked to by a snake ?Isis is the moon and the Honorable Elijah Mohammed said that the spiritual sciences there are with G-d, that was given to his Prophets, the white man does not have it. I would agree with the Hon. Elijah Mohammed. How... more

The focus for addressing human potential and progress is our common intellect in its role for betterment of our private and public service for society. -the intellect of to have a great dignified role in the personal life and public. Home and... more

?What do you have??? Hadrat Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) said that when a man of the Ansar came to Prophet Muhammad (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) and begged from him, he asked him whether he had nothing... more

"Now one thing Sigmund Freud I think he's a fraud I still believe he's a fraud but one thing Sigmund Freud said I think is true. He said ?all the energies in the body are actually one energy source? that's what he said, he called it a... more

9:111 "Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in truth, through the Law, the Gospel,... more

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