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Live in Religion

  • Live & Upcoming Episodes (308)
  • After African Hybrid Humans Got Europe Hominid-Gays Diseases Rule Them Ever.

    in Religion

    Counting the Dead: Estimating the Loss of Life in the Indigenous Holocaust, 1492-Present David Michael Smith University of Houston-Downtown During the past century, researchers have learned a great deal about the nature and scope of what Russell Thornton has called the demographic collapse of the Indigenous population in the Western Hemisphere after 1492.1 As David Stannard has explained, the almost inconceivable number of deaths caused by the invasion and conquest of these lands by Europeans and their descendants constitute “the worst human holocaust the world had ever witnessed.”Serious scholarly investigations into the size of the Indigenous population in the Western Hemisphere before 1492 began early in the twentieth century. In 1924, Paul Rivet estimated that between 40 and 50 million people lived in the hemisphere before the 8 Counting the Dead Indigenous Holocaust began. 9 That same year, Karl Sapper also estimated the Indigenous population in the hemisphere to be between 40 and 50 million.10 Both Rivet and Sapper later revised their estimates downward to about 15.5 million and 31 million respectively.11 In 1939, Alfred Kroeber developed a much lower estimate of only 8.4 million for the entire hemisphere.12 In 1964, Woodrow Borah announced a much larger estimate of “upwards of 100 million” Native inhabitants.Other devastating assaults on these ways of life included the Spanish missions in California, Florida, and Texas; the U.S. government’s attempts to make Plains Indians into cattle ranchers and southern Indians into American farmers…efforts by churches and governments to undermine Indian religious, governmental, and kinship systems...

  • Apostle Margie Mercer July 26th, 2024 at 7 PM EST

    in Religion

    Apostle Margie Mercer July 26th, 2024 at 7 PM EST

  • Prayer Works Ministry: Host Dr Evangelist Sheila Hameen-Friday July 26, 2024

    in Christianity

    Praise the Lord! God bless everyone out there in radioland!  Welcome to the Prayer Works Ministry broadcast with your host Evg Sheila Hameen and co-hosts Evg Maybelle Edmond and Evg Dr. Khadijah Hameen.
    Prayer Works Ministry (PWM) is God-inspired and dedicated to prayer, inspiration, encouragement and preaching of the true gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe in praying to God for all. You can be blessed, delivered, healed, uplifted, encouraged, inspired, and made whole through prayer and faith in God. We invite you to join us in worshipping and praising God!
    Evangelist Sheila Hameen is the watchcare minister for Holy Temple Church of God, and we are currently having in-person church services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at the Forest Park Senior Center in the afternoon at 3:30 p.m. located at 4801 Liberty Heights Ave, Baltimore, MD 21207. If you are in the area, we welcome you to stop in and worship the Lord with us!

  • Songs of the Pagan Tribe ~ Healing Circle

    in Religion

    Healing Circle. Step into the healing circle as we listen to Pagan music that inspires wholistic healing of the mind, body and spirit. Featuring songs by Crow Women, Cloud the Rapper, Celia Farran, and more.

  • Let's Talk with Minister Sylvia Kizer

    in Religion

    Let's Talk with Minister Sylvia Kizer

  • The Evolution of Revolutionary Thought and Created Purpose

    in Islam

    Join us every Saturday morning 7 a.m. EST for an edition of Evolution of Revolutionary Thought and Created Purpose with I  mam Karriem Hameed as he enters in the national intelligentsia study sessions of the lectures and addresses of Imam Dr. W. Deen Mohammed (R). Imam Karriem seeks to engage the group intellect to glean from the featured lectures of Imam Mohammed's knowledge, wisdom,and direction for practical application in our personal and community lives. This is open to all serious students wishing to go beyond merely quoting, to making connections with the logic of Scripture and Life Example of Prophet Muhammed (S) through Imam Mohammed's tafsir. Bring pen, paper and the highest level of respectful mutual consultation.
    Connect on-line at AM360.org or at (701)719-4197 for quality programming 24 hours daily. Join us live in the studio by dialing (515) 605-9891 or (425) 292-4253. You can email us at info@cwsc.us or tweet @CWShuraa. Visit the website of our parent company, Community Wide Shuraa Conference, Inc. at cwsc.us or leave a listener comment at (910) 317-0297. You're listening to the the number 1 islamic radio station in the nation, where your intellect is respected and your voice is protected.

  • Chiz’qu U'am’tzu – Be Strong & Courageous 5

    in Religion

    Peaceful Sabbath fam! Welcome to week five of Be Strong & Courageous! Today's topic will focus on the foundation of the Church of Israel & its structure.
    Deu 31:6  Be strong and courageous. Don’t be afraid or scared of them; for Yahweh your God himself is who goes with you. He will not fail you nor forsake you.”

  • Saturday Worship Service / Sermon Pastor Sarah Tate-McClendon

    in Christianity

    Pastor & Mrs. Overall and the RFCM Church Family invite you to come and worship the LORD our God with us as we grow together in the knowledge and grace of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. ALL ARE WELCOME IN THE LORD’S HOUSE Revelation 22:17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.
    Tithe & Offerings - Runner For Christ Ministries (rfcm.org)
    Salvation Prayer @ Salvation Prayer - Runner For Christ Ministries (rfcm.org)

  • Lie Foundation U.S. Constitution & Lying Colin Powel at UN Saddam Has WOMD.

    in Religion

    So, are the Elohim gods; the creators of the Hybrid Indigenous People...legally removed by usurpation, of European, Hominid-Primate species existence, and Homo Eructus under European so-called white, men and it  continued saying in admition to their evil invasions : In the course of Human events, in the 1780s, "We the People" of the nacent United States of America--white, male, principally Prostant, and mostly motivated (some say) by pockebook patriotism--came to feel keenly that the instrument of government framed by the "traitous"Founding Fathers during the stress of the eight-year revolutionary War against the English wasn't working. "Not working?"  Take ultimate keen thought, of what is happening back in 1776 -1787 - 1788, when Europe demons invaded our western world. Yes, the hominid-primate-Apes-monkeys premeditated how they were to infect we their adversary who have not done a thing, to them the once solid hominid-apes. 
     Counting the Dead: Estimating the Loss of Life in the Indigenous Holocaust, 1492-Present David Michael Smith University of Houston-Downtown During the past century, researchers have learned a great deal about the nature and scope of what Russell Thornton has called the demographic collapse of the Indigenous population in the Western Hemisphere after 1492.
     Moreover, such removals and relocations destroyed Indigenous people’s ways of life, which resulted in substantial additional loss of life.49 Other devastating assaults on these ways of life included the Spanish missions in California, Florida, and Texas; the U.S. government’s attempts to make Plains Indians into cattle ranchers and southern Indians into American farmers…efforts by churches and governments to undermine Indian religious, governmental, and kinship systems. Are they our Founding brothers?

  • 00:55

    PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Conclave da Rosa e do Espinho

    in Religion

    Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
    Conclave da Rosa e do Espinho. O Conclave da Rosa e do Espinho está em seu décimo ano de atuação, muita coisa mudou desde aquele início em 2015, muita gente passou pela Formação Mágica e pelo clã interno também. No entanto, um dos traços mais fortes do clã e do ensino da magia pelo sistema do Conclave é fortalecer o embasamento pessoal e o refino da percepção de cada praticamente para estimular a experimentação. Vem com a gente para um bate papo falando sobre o que muda na vida de quem estuda e pratica bruxaria assim.  O Conclave da Rosa e do Espinho é um clã de Bruxaria Tradicional e também um sistema de formação mágica. Petrucia Finkler é a dama do clã, que se reúne em Embu das Artes, SP, e a Formação é online para o mundo todo.  

  • Let's Talk with S.M.I.L.E.3E

    in Religion

    Let's Talk with S.M.I.L.E.3E