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Rev Marcy Ann

Reflections & Celebrations


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Hello! I am Marcy Ann and I am an untraditionally-ordained minister who has found the unified field between science and religion. I did weddings at the beach for 20 years in Orange County, CA. I have written a book about what I have observed over the years about love and marriage and weddings and you can download it for free at www.whereismrright.com. I have asked Why? my whole life. Some of my answers will amuse you and some will confuse you, some will challenge you and some reflections will just be Marcy Ann's own personal Truth with a capital T. All shows are archived for listening at any time, on your computer or android phone.

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Another week of wonderful messages from God. Such a comfort in these trying times. Wait for the last one - it is the best!!!

Another week has flown by and here are the messages from God for this weeki.

Here are your messages for living in the Kingdom of God here on earth as it is in Heaven.

Today, I will read the week's worth of messages from God, Jesus or God's Spirit so we have the wisdoms we need to maneuver through the times. We are in a time of great change. To stay grounded and to know what to do is... more

I was going to give the week's Word from God yesterday, and I had a surprise visit from a friend. So it got too late to do the live show for my East Coast listeners. So I am doing it today. Thanks everyone for your fledability! What with... more

Hi, sorry to miss doing the program on Sunday. I'll try to catch you up today. Today's message is fantastic!! If you only have time for one messages, don't miss this one!!!

Today, I am bringing you an up-date. More than ever, we need to hear from God our Father who art in Heaven who has promised us a life on earth just like it is in Heaven. Hear are some fresh words from God to help us all realize our potential... more

This word from Jesus is the opening of a new dispensation on earth. The door to Paradise is now open. No more having to die to go to Heaven. Heaven is here and now!

I am continuing the healing process. I went to the Doctor yesterday, and all of my numbers of my blood panel test were smack dab in the middle of the range of each test. Thank you God. The body is very dedicated to restoring itself... more

Here are some new Words from God. Enjoy!!!
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