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Hollywood Red Carpet Radio


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Hollywood Red Carpet Radio show Host award winning Debbie Perkins Interviewing celebrities, entertainment industry films, models to paranormaist.

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Johnathan Moody introduced to a TV set as a child, he decided to become an actor at the age of 6. Before then he wanted to be a Ghostbuster. My Girlfriend the Serial Killer (executive producer) The Mom Cave... more

Bill Oberst Jr is well Known for a Daytime Emmy Award-winning performance in "Take This Lollipop" and a ratings-winning role on CBS-TV's "Criminal Minds," Bill Oberst Jr. is an American actor of stage and screen whose real-life gentleness... more

Sharon Day Freelance Writer, Intuitive Councler

He co-starred opposite Matt Damon in the Green Zone (2010), Directed by Paul Greengrass. Performed with Peter Dinklage in 'Taming of the Shrew. the late comedic actor Orson Bean JERRY DELLA SALLA The battle to this day has... more

Jasson is the son of a bull rider and cancan girl who were married on an ice castle in the Yukon territories. Growing up Jasson excelled as a hockey player and drummer, playing in multiple touring bands. After graduating from the... more

Mark Justice is an actor, producer, writer who does both film and stage acting. The son of Lori Hawk(Cox) and Kenneth Justice, he originates from McDermott, Ohio. He has worked with and studied under many award winning filmmakers.... more

Natalie Peri Actress, Film, Director, Writer, Model

.Willie Windwalker interview with Kristen Lee Haunted Has a New Address: The Bellaire House is definitely a one of a kind location. With its Curses, Violent Apparitions, and Portals, is Ohio's Bellaire House the Most Haunted Home in... more

Willie Windwalker Show interview with Bishop James Long today seen on booth Brothers films Bishop James Long has worked in the paranormal community and does dayly quotes by God!

Nick Payne Actor Debbie Perkins interview

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