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Barbara DeLong



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Welcome to the Night-Light/Spiritually-Speaking radio show, a forum for spiritual enlightenment, cosmic understanding and insight into those etheric realms that ever surround us. Host, Barbara DeLong and a wide variety of fastinating guests will be sharing with you spiritual information and philosophies that you can use to enlighten your lives and open you the creative sources you carry within. This venue allows me to reach out to greater numbers of you and to provide you with new insight and understanding to the times we are now experiencing. We will be covering everything from the mundane to the magical and will share all of these new paradigms with laughter and love. I hope you visit us regularly and use this resource to find your own inner lights to guide you along your spiritual pathways. Please visit my website at www.barbaradelong.com for further information on me and my philosophies and monthly forecasts as to the cosmic energies and how they will impact you on your journeys. With Love and Light Barbara http://www.barbaradelong.com http://www.cafepress.com/barbaradelong http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Night-Light http://www.cynthiamusic.com "Night-Light Radio" cannot be held liable for any host or guest opinions given on the show. "Night-Light Radio" is designed to provide you with entertainment and metaphysical insight into many aspects of life and our reality. It is not intended to replace any type of therapy. Counseling. Diagnosis, treatment or cure for anything”

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An in-depth look at ancient Greek practices for profound, lasting healing The modern practice of medicine and psychology grew out of the ancient Greek healing tradition, said to be founded by Asklepios, god of healing and dreams. For two thousand years the system spread all over the Mediterranean world and planted the roots of Western medicine and psychology by offering ritual and holistic practices that recognized that healing begins at the soul level. Yet, since that time, the spiritually based practices were cast aside, leaving behind only the scientific medical techniques that dominate health care today. Resurrecting and restoring the sacred, mythological, and cultural origins of medicine and psychotherapy, Edward Tick, Ph.D., explores the soul-healing practices missing in our contemporary health systems. He looks at the dream incubation tradition of Asklepios, sacred theater of Dionysos, oracle gifting of Apollo, special practices of warriors, and their roots in Neolithic shamanism and indigenous traditions. Demonstrating the ritual use of dreams, visions, oracles, synchronicities, and pilgrimage for healing and connecting to the transpersonal and divine, he explains how dream incubation is a technique in which you plant a seed for a specific healing or growth goal. Tick explores how we all can use ancient healing philosophies and practices to achieve holistic healing today. He examines the interaction between mind and body (psyche and soma) and between physical illness and the soul to heal PTSD and trauma. He explains the art of making accurate and holistic interpretations of signs, symbols, and symptoms to determine what they reveal about the soul. Showing how dreams and other transpersonal experiences are essential components of soul medicine, the author reveals how restoration of the soul facilitates true healing.
  • by Barbara DeLong
  • in Spirituality
  • 02:00

On-Demand Episodes

This book probes the mysteries of human civilization, its origin in ancient Lemuria and ebb and flow in the rootraces like Atlantis, through to the current Fifth Rootrace - and into the future. It is essentially the story of the human soul and... more

Author CHARLIE ROBINSON returns to discuss his new publication "Hypocrazy." This is a fascinating book that explores the duality of our times, who is behind it and what is their ultimate objective? They told me to write descriptions of his... more

In The Gentle Way of the Heart, scientist Anders Nilsson presents a perspective on how to navigate life guided by the heart. He believes that each of us has a spark of God deep within and a heart filled with Divine Light. The challenge is to... more

Legendary guitarist GREG MARTIN stops in to discuss THE KENTUCKY HEADHUNTERS' new CD "...That's A Fact Jack." We'll be looking at the background stories of the making of this terrific CD and how audiences are... more

Horror author DA ROBERTS joins us to discuss his "Wolf Moon" from his Apex Predator series. This is a fantastic, modern-day werewolf novel. The Native protagonist delves into his heritage to battle these menaces to this Midwestern... more

After decades of fighting to free themselves from male-dominated social and economic structures such as glass ceilings and pay equality, women still struggle. But many are poised to rise up with innovative ways to approach the many... more

Solaris and Barbara explore The Mystery of the Apocalypse as portrayed by Manly P Hall in his book, The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Join them for an interesting and informative show.

The UFO landing at Socorro has been wrapped in controversy almost from the moment that police officer Lonnie Zamora watched a craft descend and land. Interview with Dr. LTC. Kevin D. Randle, tells us how Zamora saw alien beings... more

A mesmerizing mix of Charles Bukowski, Hunter S. Thompson, and Philip K. Dick, Chameleo is a true account of what happened in a seedy Southern California town when an enthusiastic and unrepentant heroin addict named Dion Fuller... more

A comprehensive look at the life and continuing influence of 16th-century scientific genius and occultist Dr. John Dee. Presents an overview of Dee's scientific achievements, intelligence and spy work, imperial strategizing, and his work... more
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