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Ohio Exopolitics

Ohio Exopolitics


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This show covers UFOs, ancient history, extra-terrestrial life and new technology. Your host Mark Snider interviews the key people in the world of exopolitics. The focus of the interviews will deal with contactees, military personnel, scientists, authors, researchers, historians and others that are knowledgeable in the field of UFO study and the many related fields. Purchase music heard on the show at http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/sniderhumbert. Logo Art based on a painting by Jim Nichols.

On-Demand Episodes

We talk about every thing you can imagine in the history of the UFO issue. Charles had some interesting things to say.

Solaris Blueraven and I Talk About Current Events

AAGE NOST Covers Many Topics Including How to Reverse Aging

Interesting discussion with Madeline for the first hour. The second hour was mostly spent talking about the Meier material.

Frank Jacob talks about the Ukraine,Zelenskyy, The Thule Society, Mara Orsic, The Vril, Mars, J-Rods, Hitler and more.

Great Debate Between Left and Right

The Might of Thoughts (1st Half and Hour) and the Abduction of Philip Kinsella


Ohio Exopolitics 3/5/2020 Weapons Labs in the Ukraine

Frosty Wooldridge Over Population, Anxiety and Doubt
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