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Deliverance Today Pastor John Kyle

Deliverance Today Pastor John Kyle


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Freedom from demons, Exorcism, Do you have Demon Troubles? You can be free! Spiritual Warfare, News about current events. Spiritual growth. Prayers, Oasis Church

Upcoming Broadcasts

How strong are you in Christ today? Knowing your place in these days we live in, strong in the Lord and the power of His Might, learning the will of God in one's life, walking forward in 2025, stopping the backsliding, opening the doors of great Grace, deliverance after message

On-Demand Episodes

Following the Lord on into spiritual maturity, Facing life now and how to walk in the now, don't let the devil steal your marriage or your relationship with Jesus and other believers, It's not all about us, it' all about Jesus, how to really walk in the... more

Getting up out of the devils' traps, breaking free from the bondage, being aware of the season you are in right now, breaking the curses coming your way, being aware of the devil's devices, stopping demonic advances, liberty in Christ,... more

NOTE! This is a 30-45 minute broadcast to see if we are back up and to give you a good message. The way of deliverance a way of life, a walk that is different than the average Christain walk, the times we are living in today, this... more

How so many are struggling with internal woundings, the danger of unforgiveness and how it subtely remains in so many, Faith like a child, What is going on in the minds of people today, finding the place of peace in the midst of chaos, listening... more

. Are you being used of God to the greatest extent possible in your life at this time? Obedience, fear of what Jesus may want to do with and in you, the blockages of demons, the problems of pride, the problems and hinderances of... more

Learning to develop a listening ear, waking up out of a stupor and facing spiritual realities, the dangers of the hour we live in, the awakening process, knowing His love for you, knowing and walking in truth, getting rid of the fears, the... more

Can a person really have a spiritual breakthrough? how is it possible? Freedom from bondage to demons and their control, walking in a new dimension of life,question, is it a lie? why so many believers are not really getting anywhere,... more

Free from the besetting condemnation and guilt, knowing the Truth in a time of great deception, how the enemy has deceived many Christians, those who may think they are Christians and are not, The wonderful Blood of Jesus, Freedom... more

Breaking out of the devils traps and grips, going past where you couldn't get past in the past, stepping out into new dimensions with Jesus, passing the tests, Changing and the real nee for change in people's lives, Is your God in a box?... more

the troubles of rejection and how it affects so many, the troubling spirits of inferiority and insecurity, how these operate in a persons life, the troubles of pride, the time of the latter days, the love of the Father and what hinders so... more

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