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On-Demand Episodes

HOST: ROB BECKMAN. In this week's episode we talk with Bryan Eastridge about the upcoming Revolver Roundup training. Where can instructors find out more information: Potential Gunsight 11/21-11/23/2025... more

HOST: DAN RIECK The 2024 election didn't result in apocalypse as some predicted, but it was long, frustrating, and brutal. And now that the dust has cleared, it's time to take a close look at what happened. Rob Sexton, BFA's... more

HOST: MIKE SODINI Michael Sodini and co-host Kevin Berry talk w Katie Gardner, a passionate advocate for the Second Amendment and mental health awareness. They discuss Katie's journey into the 2A community, her... more

HOST: KEVIN ALFRED STROM I'M HERE TO DISILLUSION you. In the literal, not figurative, sense of the word. And that's a good thing. To be dis-illusioned is to understand reality. To be dis-illusioned is to see things as they really are, not as... more

HOST: KEVIN ALFRED STROM I have again leveraged the power of Artificial Intelligence to create a spoken version, in the voice of Dr. Revilo Pendleton Oliver himself, of a brilliant example of his writings which was never before available in... more

The H.M.D. Music Resource Guide ®, Selections from Sonny's vast collection of music from all genres. Sit back and enjoy! TG: SonnyThomasShow G: SonnyThomasShow GETTR: SonnyThomasShow T: SonnyThomasShow... more

HOSTS: JAMES EDWARDS & KEITH ALEXANDER hr 1 James Edwards shares his reaction to Trump's victory and highlights the most interesting takeaways. hr 2 Dr. Michael Hill joins our first post-election broadcast to help process... more

HOST: ROB BECKMAN. In this week's episode we talk with Elijah Lorence from Infinity Defense to talk about their long-lasting targets Where can instructors find out more information: Infinity Target www.infinitytargets.com... more

HOST: KEVIN ALFRED STROM IT IS SURREAL. So many otherwise sane White nationalists think that the recent election of Donald Trump is of great and positive significance for the future of our race. I think that's wrong. Donald Trump and... more

HOSTS: JAMES EDWARDS & KEITH ALEXANDER hr 1 Hosts James Edwards and Keith Alexander take one last look at the political landscape before Election Day! Lew Moore, Jason Kessler, Padraig Martin, and Jason Kohne join our... more

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