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Symmetry of Soul

Symmetry of Soul


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Each Tuesday, a broadcast focused on science, religion, and philosophy, based on the unifying concepts of The Urantia Book. Broadcasts begin 9:00 PM ET(worldtimezone.com for local start time). Co-hosted by Dr. Chris Halvorson, Andrea Barnes, Brad Garner, Dave Tucker, and Justin Armstrong. Artwork compliments of www.rassouli.com.

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By the end of A.D. 20, the Son of Man had made every preparation for detaching himself permanently from the Nazareth home; and this was not easy for him to do. Jesus naturally loved his people; he loved his family, and this natural affection had been tremendously augmented by his extraordinary devotion to them. The more fully we bestow ourselves upon our fellows, the more we come to love them. We begin the reading in Paper 128, Section 7, Paragraph 7.
  • by Symmetry of Soul
  • in Religion
  • 02:00

On-Demand Episodes

The divine presence cannot be discovered anywhere in nature or even in the lives of God-knowing mortals so fully and so certainly as in your attempted communion with the indwelling Mystery Monitor, the Paradise Thought Adjuster. What a... more

Our Father is not in hiding; he is not in arbitrary seclusion. He has mobilized the resources of divine wisdom in a never-ending effort to reveal himself to the children of his universal domains. There is an infinite grandeur and an... more

In all his personal relations with the creature personalities of the universes, the First Source and Center is always and consistently a loving Father. God is a Father in the highest sense of the term. He is eternally motivated by the perfect... more

Nature is the perfection of Paradise divided by the incompletion, evil, and sin of the unfinished universes. This quotient is thus expressive of both the perfect and the partial, of both the eternal and the temporal. Continuing evolution modifies... more

There is a providence of divine outworking on your world, but it is not the childish, arbitrary, and material ministry many mortals have conceived it to be. The providence of God consists in the interlocking activities of the celestial beings... more

The sovereignty of God is unlimited; it is the fundamental fact of all creation. The universe is not an accident, neither is it self-existent. The universe is a work of creation and is therefore wholly subject to the will of the Creator. The will of God... more

The uncertainties of life and the vicissitudes of existence do not in any manner contradict the concept of the universal sovereignty of God over his well-nigh limitless creation. You may falter in your concept of his primacy, but you should... more

The Universal Father is the only personality in all the universe who does actually know the number of the stars and planets of space. All the worlds of every universe are constantly within the consciousness of God. The divine mind is... more

To you the creature, many of the acts of the all-powerful Creator seem to be arbitrary, detached, and not infrequently heartless and cruel. But I assure you that this is not true. God's doings are all purposeful, intelligent, wise, kind, and... more

God is everywhere present; the Universal Father rules the circle of eternity. This ability to be everywhere present, and at the same time, constitutes his omnipresence. God alone can be in two places, in numberless places, at the... more

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