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Symmetry of Soul

Symmetry of Soul


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Each Tuesday, a broadcast focused on science, religion, and philosophy, based on the unifying concepts of The Urantia Book. Broadcasts begin 9:00 PM ET(worldtimezone.com for local start time). Co-hosted by Dr. Chris Halvorson, Andrea Barnes, Brad Garner, Dave Tucker, and Justin Armstrong. Artwork compliments of www.rassouli.com.

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By the end of A.D. 20, the Son of Man had made every preparation for detaching himself permanently from the Nazareth home; and this was not easy for him to do. Jesus naturally loved his people; he loved his family, and this natural affection had been tremendously augmented by his extraordinary devotion to them. The more fully we bestow ourselves upon our fellows, the more we come to love them. We begin the reading in Paper 128, Section 7, Paragraph 7.
  • by Symmetry of Soul
  • in Religion
  • 02:00

On-Demand Episodes

Said Jesus: ?Anger is a material manifestation which represents, in a general way, the measure of the failure of the spiritual nature to gain control of the combined intellectual and physical natures. Anger indicates your lack of tolerant... more

Multitudes of both friends and foes would follow Jesus for weeks, just to hear his gracious words and behold his simple life. Devoted men and women loved Jesus with a well-nigh superhuman affection. And the better they knew him the more... more

On the second preaching tour Jesus did not deliberately perform any so-called miracles of healing. However, there began to appear about this time—and continued throughout the remainder of Jesus' life on earth—a peculiar... more

The last week of the sojourn at Bethsaida, the Jerusalem spies became much divided in their attitude toward Jesus and his teachings. Three of these Pharisees were tremendously impressed by what they had seen and heard. Meanwhile, at... more

The Father does not purposely afflict his children. The imperfections and handicaps of evil are inherent; the penalties of sin are inevitable; the destroying consequences of iniquity are inexorable. Man should not blame God for those... more

By nature, before the rebirth of the spirit, mortal man is subject to inherent evil tendencies, but such natural imperfections of behavior are neither sin nor iniquity. Mortal man is just beginning his long ascent to the perfection of the Father in... more

Each forenoon at Bethsaida the apostles all did their share in training new evangelists of the gospel, and both teachers and pupils taught the people during the afternoons. After the evening meal, five nights a week, the... more

Said Jesus: ?Some of you may not stand high in actual levels of soul and spirit, but you are making daily progress on the living way opened up, through faith, to God. There are tremendous possibilities in each of you for the future. Better... more

As a child of God with a true and living connection to the Universal Father, the important thing about your progress toward his ideals is not the rapidity of that progress but rather its certainty. Your actual achievement is not so important as... more

Nothing Jesus had said to the apostles up to this time had ever more astonished them than what he said one evening in Lazarus's garden. Jesus taught them concerning the differing levels of meaning attached to the interpretation of the... more

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