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Remnant Light



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This show is to teach the world of the second coming of Christ. The Advent Light is the guide to the twelve gates which is the city New Jerusalem.

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A Failure to Honor God One who sees beneath the surface, who reads the hearts of all men, says of those who have had great light: ?They are not afflicted and astonished because of their moral and spiritual condition.? ?Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations. I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before Mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not.? ?God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie,? ?because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved,? ?but had pleasure in unrighteousness.? Isaiah 66:3, 4; 2 Thessalonians 2:11, 10, 12. 3TT 253.1
  • by Remnant Light
  • in Christianity
  • 02:00

On-Demand Episodes

Many of the believers to whom Peter addressed his letters, were living in the midst of heathen, and much depended on their remaining true to the high calling of their profession. The apostle urged upon them their privileges as followers... more

God has given us His commandments, not only to be believed in, but to be obeyed. The great Jehovah, when He had laid the foundations of the earth, had dressed the whole world in the garb of beauty, and had filled it with things useful... more

To the health and happiness of the whole family nothing is more vital than skill and intelligence on the part of the cook. By ill-prepared, unwholesome food she may hinder and even ruin both the adult's usefulness and the... more

Can you afford to cling to your defiling habits and at last be found among the unbelieving and the unsanctified? Can you afford to run any risk in this matter? There is too much at stake for you to venture to pursue the course of... more

Had the Sabbath always been sacredly observed, there could never have been an atheist or an idolater. The Sabbath institution, which originated in Eden, is as old as the world itself. It was observed by all the patriarchs, from creation down.... more

A Temptation to Overindulgence 538. At too many tables, when the stomach has received all that it requires to properly carry on its work of nourishing the system, another course, consisting of pies, puddings, and highly flavored sauces, is... more

True sanctification comes through the working out of the principle of love. ?God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.? 1 John 4:16. The life of him in whose heart Christ abides, will reveal practical godliness. The... more

Ministers of Jesus should stand as reprovers to those who fail to remember the Sabbath to keep it holy. They should kindly and solemnly reprove those who engage in worldly conversation upon the Sabbath and at the same time claim to... more

Consider the Health Standpoint—The physical surroundings in the cities are often a peril to health. The constant liability to contact with disease, the prevalence of foul air, impure water, impure food, the crowded, dark, unhealthful... more

The example of the followers of Christ at Antioch should be an inspiration to every believer living in the great cities of the world today. While it is in the order of God that chosen workers of consecration and talent should be stationed in... more

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