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Remnant Light



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This show is to teach the world of the second coming of Christ. The Advent Light is the guide to the twelve gates which is the city New Jerusalem.

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A Failure to Honor God One who sees beneath the surface, who reads the hearts of all men, says of those who have had great light: ?They are not afflicted and astonished because of their moral and spiritual condition.? ?Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations. I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before Mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not.? ?God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie,? ?because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved,? ?but had pleasure in unrighteousness.? Isaiah 66:3, 4; 2 Thessalonians 2:11, 10, 12. 3TT 253.1
  • by Remnant Light
  • in Christianity
  • 02:00

On-Demand Episodes

The inquiry with many is, What shall I eat, and how shall I live, to best enjoy the present time? Duty and principle are laid aside for present gratification. If we would have health, we must live for it. If we perfect Christian character, we must... more

They Have the Testimony of Jesus As the end draws near and the work of giving the last warning to the world extends, it becomes more important for those who accept present truth to have a clear understanding of the nature and influence of... more

Happiness that is sought from selfish motives, outside of the path of duty, is ill-balanced, fitful, and transitory; it passes away, and the soul is filled with loneliness and sorrow; but there is joy and satisfaction in the service of God;... more

The Cruel Kindness of Indulgence 358. I was shown that one great cause of the existing deplorable state of things is that parents do not feel under obligation to bring up their children to conform to physical law. Mothers love their... more

The marriage relation is holy, but in this degenerate age it covers vileness of every description. It is abused and has become a crime which now constitutes one of the signs of the last days, even as marriages, managed as they were... more

Great blessings are enfolded in the observance of the Sabbath, and God desires that the Sabbath day shall be to us a day of joy. There was joy at the institution of the Sabbath. God looked with satisfaction upon the work of His hands. All... more

_*Our High Calling*_ _By: Ellen G. White_ _*In Self-distrust We Cry to God, March 17*_ *I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord; and thou forgavest the... more

Amid the confusing cries, ?Lo, here is Christ! Lo, there is Christ!? will be borne a special testimony, a special message of truth appropriate for this time, which message is to be received, believed, and acted upon. It is the truth, not fanciful... more

The Sabbath Opens With the Family at Worship—Before the setting of the sun, let the members of the family assemble to read God's Word, to sing and pray. There is need of reform here, for many have been remiss. We need to... more

117. God wants men to cultivate force of character. Those who are merely timeservers are not the ones who will receive a rich reward by and by. He wants those who labor in His cause to be men of keen feeling and quick perception.... more

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