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A New Day 4 Al Islam

A New Day for Al Islam


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A talk radio format that discusses current events and other issues in the human experience, from a Muslim American perspective.

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Prophet (S.A.W) was shown "Jannah" and "Jahannum" During this journey of Miraj, the Prophet (S.A.W.) was also taken to Jannah (Paradise) and Jahannum (Hell) by Angel Jibrael (A.S.). During this visit, Prophet (S.A.W.) saw the blessing which will be received by the inhabitants of paradise but also saw the tortures and torments which will be inflicted on the people who will enter hell.
  • by A New Day 4 Al Islam
  • in Islam
  • 03:00

On-Demand Episodes

Lailat al Miraj : The Miraculous Night Journey of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Miracles do happen, for those who do not believe, are clearly unaware of the life of our Holy Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH). Islamic history is a... more

Hadith Wednesday with Imam Shakur Abdur Rahim

Muslimahs read from Chapter 04 of Al Qur'an verses 121 - 130

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Cultural Insights

The Other Perspective with Imam Alfred Muhammad

Islam is the religion of knowledge. The first ayah of the Qur'an to be revealed enjoined reading which is the key to knowledge. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): ?Read! In the Name of your Lord Who has created (all that exists).... more

Wednesday Hadith with Imam Dr. Shakur Abdur Rahim

Sisters In Islam - Sura 04- verse 109 - 120
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