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Silvio Canto Jr



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A discussion of current events without screaming or name calling!

On-Demand Episodes

Jorge Ponce, contributor to Babalu Blog; and Victor Triay,author of various books about Cuba.

American Graffiti 1973 with Frank Burke

2014 podcast: World War I & Spanish flu with Leslie Eastman & Barry Jacobsen

"'World War II: the War that Made Our World" with Barry Jacobsen

The origins & causes of World War I with Barry Jacobsen, part 1

We spoke in 2013 with Carmen Konneker, author of "My father's quest". It is a great story of her father's life, from losing his parents at an early age, then being separated from his siblings and his eventual move to the US. It is a great story... more

Cuban Americans talk Christmas

2013 podcast: Christmas and "war stories" with Leslie Eastman and Barry Jacobsen

A podcast from 2013: "Sofrito" Cuban food and other fun things to eat

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