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Dr John OKeefe

Dr John OKeefe


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Dr.John OKeefe is a Breakthrough Specialst, an Author, Lecturer and Abundance Mentor. The show will discuss the subconscious, the law of attraction and how to implement them into your life. We will have live interviews with highly successful people from all walks of life. Dr.John will share coaching tips and keys to achieving wealth, health and abundance in your life.

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www.drjohnokeefe.com Agility can make the difference between success and failure. Its been said that Business agility is the "ability of a business or executive to rapidly respond to change by adapting its initial stable... more

www.drjohnokeefe.com http://www.europavillage.com/visit/our-vineyards/ A vision of excellence combined with Old World hospitality and charm. We had a vision of bringing together the high standards and values of traditional European wine... more

As every CEO knows, there is an X factor in leadership that is hard to nail down but essential to successful management. A significant body of management research has demonstrated that one of the biggest risks to a business is the... more

3 tools every executive or Entrepreneur needs for success are Behavior/habits , Decision, Actions. How you use these 3 tools will effect your success level.

www.drjohnokeefe.com Dr.John OKeefe is Host of TED Talks at the Center Club in Costa mesa California. They are held on the first tuesday of every month ,reservations are required. Listen to the show for more information. TED Ideas... more

Tthe 4th quarter can be a great time for revenue if you maintain momentum. Dont give in to the ramp down for the holidays. It will EFFECT YOUR 1ST QUARTER NEXT YEAR!

Patrice hasExpert level knowledge of LinkedIn and LinkedIn groups. Connected to group owners worldwide. Founded LinkedIn groups in the top 1% on LinkedIn globally. Dhe will share tips on linked in to help you and your business.

Dr.Wayne Dyer said ?If you believe it will work out, you'll see opportunities. If you believe it won't you will see obstacles.? ?Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.? ?With everything that has happened to you,... more

www.drjohnokeefe.com Dr.John will talk about how you can make change an adventure an a positive thing. The reality is, the only thing that is consistant is change,so it is important to make change work for you. HERE ARE SOME TIPS... more

A definition of a goal is :The result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end. Dr.John talks about the importance of staying focused on your goals and how to achieve them. Ask yourself these questions What are you currently... more
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