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  • 01:00

    ET Universal Zone

    in Motivation

    Mount Olympus Presents:
    with Marc and Phyllis Brinkerhoff
    Topic: Michael, Angels and Archangels, Episode II
    Recording Friday July 5, 2024
    9-10 PM ET on Blogtalkradio
    Produced by Hercules Invictus
    AN OLYMPIAN DISCLAIMER: Aristotle suggested that entertaining new thoughts without feeling obliged to accept them is a wise practice to cultivate. We agree. Our Olympian podcasts explore interesting thoughts and viewpoints on a variety of topics, including health, religion and politics. Our exploration gives voice to diverse personal opinions, areas of study and systems of belief. Discussions in this forum, though sincere and enthusiastic, are not to be construed as Mount Olympus' endorsement of any particular point of view

  • 01:31


    in Motivation

    Our dynamic speakers include a trio that is dynamic in action and passionate about their craft. Barry is the most experienced or senior with the team with 25 years, Veda who received her initial training under Arthur Cole now teaches classes in various venues and Ernest Hester assists whenever an opportunity arises and his message is potent as he delivers a ‘YOU Can Do This’ message to absolutely every living soul!!
    Classes are currently being held all around the Metro Atlanta area and expanding every day, the locations include parks, Senior Centers, County Centers and more. During class you learn and practice the gently easy movements of Tai Chi and Qigong, both of which are preventive recipes for better and improved health.
    Come prepared with any questions you may have and an Opened mind.
    Please join with us tonight as we learn about a gentle form of body movement which helps with stress, anxiety, inner peace, energy and balance!!
    See you on the radio
    Contact info: YouTube –The EPOCHH Complex by Barry E Murray

  • 01:38

    Faceus Radio: The epidemic of court hypocrisy in the CPS and APS court system

    in Self Help

    Join us *LIVE* Wednesday night July 10, 2024, on F.A.C.E.U.S. RADIO with Co-Hosts Luanne Fleming, Robin Austin, Marci Friedman, and Hillary Hogue. The epidemic of court hypocrisy $$. We welcome Stacey Pynn from New York. A mom of four, physician assistant, certified paralegal, notary public, founder of The Lock Keeper Court Watchers, and Co-host of Real Talk with Ms. G. Stacey recently filed a RICO lawsuit against NYS Courts and CPS for sex trafficking kids under the guise of justice and protection.
    Listen Here Live at 6:00 pm PST/ 7:00 pm MST/ 8:00 pm CST/ 9:00 pm EST. Join online https://www.blogtalkradio.com/hiddentruthrevealed/2024/07/11/faceus-radio-the-epidemic-of-court-hypocrisy-in-the-cps-and-aps-court-system or call our GUEST LINE at 845-241-9962. Press 1 to ask questions or make a comment.
    Her ex-spouse is an attorney formerly for Child Protective Services and a current public defender. Did the courts obstruct over 34 filed documents from her official court records in a manner to case-fix and sex-traffic her children? Why Fixing our broken court system is vitally important involves Children (CPS) the elderly and the disabled (APS). Why is court watching key to the reformation of our justice system? Tune in to Blog Talk Radio/Hidden Truth Revealed–The Inside Scoop F.A.C.E.U.S. (Families Against Court Embezzlement Unethical Standards) All shows are recorded and archived.

  • 00:32

    Part 1: Close Up Radio Spotlights Theresa Gathers of Athena UNCHAINED

    in Motivation

    Palmer Lake, CO - The military and vulnerability seem like oil and water, but together, they make stronger leaders, teams, and bonds.  After serving for 17 years in the Air Force, both enlisted and as an officer, Theresa “Athena” Gathers has experienced the power of vulnerability. “Yes, there are reasons why the military, or any system, operates the way it does. But transformational leaders must expand their skillsets in order to be successful. People need more than rules and regulations. They want to be valued and cared for. Even in the military, I showed those I led every single day how much they meant to me,” shares Theresa.
    After reading Brené Brown’s book, Dare to Lead, Theresa had to read all of Brené’s books.
    For the last few years, Theresa has been building Athena UNCHAINED to provide people with a supportive space to connect with themselves on a deeper level, uncover their intuition, and take control of their lives.
    In May 2024, she published Conversations UNCHAINED. “I wish I had this book throughout my leadership journey. It came out of a workshop that I created in June 2023 for the Joint Women’s Leadership Symposium, which is comprised of all six branches of the military. The book centers around the concept of cultivating ACT – authenticity, connection, and transparency, and walks through developing an approach to five types of critical conversations: task-oriented, performance-based, personnel-related, climate/culture, and contentious. In addition to the book, I also offer a one-day workshop for small to medium businesses, both online and in person, that gives a deep dive into these concepts.”
    For more information about Theresa Gathers, please visit https://www.athenaunchained.com

  • 00:31

    Close Up Radio Welcomes Back Don Allen of CCCR

    in Relationships

    Columbus, OH / Austin, TX – Close Up Radio is excited to welcome back Dr. Don Allen, an exceptional Clinical Social Worker, Certified EMDR specialist and consultant, Public Speaker, Certified Gottman Therapist and Certified Emotion Focused Therapist, based on the research of Susan Johnson.
    Now that we are beyond Covid restrictions, couples are moving towards a new normal and therefore, any new challenges that emerge. Divisions within families and couples can be exaggerated in these trouble times. A goal of Dr. Allen is to help couples bridge the gap and find ways of successfully resolving conflict after fully understanding one another’s point of view.
    Today he is excited to announce his upcoming couples’ workshops like the Art and Science of Love and The Seven Principles Approach to Marriage, ideally to help struggling couples mend their relationships. He is conducting an Arts and Science of Love workshop in Columbus, Ohio in October and an Arts and Science of Love workshop in Austin, Texas in September. You can go to the Gottman Institute website to sign up.
    Couples can hopefully leave these workshops with renewed self-assurance that they now take with them. They can learn skills to be happier with their partner and hopefully make these skills last a lifetime. For some of the couples participating in these workshops, they may wish to get into therapy to really look at entrenched negative patterns and habits that continue to get in the way of their relationship. Dr. Allen treats marriages in Ohio and Texas.
    Workshops dates will be announced but we urge those couples interested to contact Don to reserve your space or sign up and National Marriage Seminar or The Gottman Institute website as soon as possible.
    For more information, visit www.donallenphd.com

  • 02:00


    in Motivation

     Looking for my Give a Fukk podcast explores the journey of rediscovering one's "give a Fukk" compass in a world filled with distractions and societal pressures. Drawing inspiration from Eckhart Tolle's book "A New Earth," the episode delves into the importance of transcending ego-based consciousness for personal happiness and global harmony. Tolle's wisdom guides listeners on a path towards a more fulfilling existence by emphasizing the significance of living in the present moment. The episode encourages a deep reflection on passions, values, and causes, ultimately inspiring a meaningful reconnection with one's inner compass and a reclaiming of passion and purpose.   

  • 00:33

    What is Etiquette Anyway? Mental Wellness Addressing Verbal Abuse Part One

    in Self Help

    On this episode we will discuss how verbal abuse affects your well-being.   How do you tell a parent, family menber, friend, co-worker, etc. how their verbal abuse makes you feel?     The reasons behind verbal abuse can be many and we will share effective strategies on how to communicate effectively. 
    Mental Wellness advocate Ebony Johnson will join me.
    You may join the conversation live by calling 516-418-5894.

  • 01:23

    Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 3447

    in Self Help

    Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host is Monica Boglin from Puyallup, Washington, a survivor of sexual, physical, and emotional child abuse. Her predators were all family members, and her parents were intent on passing on to Monica the behavior that their parents had done to them. She also has lived with Lupus since she was 29, a painful autoimmune disease that has long been linked to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Monica became a life coach and a therapist and notes, “I've finally found a way to forgive the unforgivable and to firmly keep anyone and everything harmful out of my life been linked to." She's earned her master's in metaphysical science and counseling and is on her way to earning a PhD in the same field. "I hope to further use my story to become of service and to help those along the path to their own healing because I now know that hope and help are available.” ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, and survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma, and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage in tonight's show. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org website. or call 646-595-2118 to join our live panel. .

  • 00:49

    Dr. Katie Eastman - Author of UPLIFTING

    in Self Help

    Dr. Katie Eastman, author of UPLIFTING: Inspiring Stories of Loss, Change, and Growth, is a licensed psychotherapist, transition life coach, and organizational consultant based in Anacortes, Washington. She specializes in leadership, grief, trauma, and compassionate change, providing support to individuals of all ages, including children, and organizations navigating significant life transitions.
    Dr. Eastman earned her education at Boston University School of Theology, the University of Houston School of Social Work Masters Program, and obtained a Doctorate in Clinical Child Psychology from Antioch University. Her professional journey includes roles focused on mental health, particularly with seriously ill children and adults, as well as their caregivers. Most recently, Dr. Eastman has been coaching individuals through personal and professional losses and transitions using her structured and practical Re-Create model. She empowers her clients to recognize and navigate both profound and everyday losses, guiding them to transform these experiences by clarifying personal and professional values and priorities.
    Dr. Eastman believes in using the pain of loss as an opportunity for positive change, helping individuals of all ages reaffirm and recreate meaning by revealing the skills, gifts, and talents they bring to the world. As an engaging author and storyteller, she is known for her authenticity and dedication to fostering personal growth and resilience.
    Learn more at: https;//www.drkatieeastman.com
    Purchase your copy of UPLIFTING: Inspiring Stories of Loss, Change, and Growth

  • 00:49

    Stephen Hobbs- Solo Aging & Olders to Elders & Dr. Mara on Ageism in Healthcare

    in Self Help

    After a short hiatus to make some changes in our venue....Dr. Mara is back with her first LIVE program in two months. And she's getting ready for a summer packed with new and returning guests, interviewed from a new undisclosed location!
    Join us this Sunday, when Stephen Hobbs, founder of WELLthMovement.com, joins us from Alberta, Canada to discuss living a legacy life.  Stephen guides Olders to Elders who are solo-aging to become mentors on the path to live their extraordinary legacy life.
    And Dr. Mara will talk a bit about supporting family caregivers and healthcare advocates in the context of an ageist healthcare system.

  • 01:00

    Turning Tradgedy into Triumph "The Taylor Owens Story"

    in Motivation

    Friday July 12, 2024 7pm central
    Taylor has spent many years healing and digesting the unfathomable truth she had endured- Human Trafficking- from the tender age of 11- until age 20. 
    Today she has Defined her purpose with one goal in mind- to soften the Journey of Overcoming through Community based Motivational Speaking. Assisting Communities to redefine their approach to possible victims -reinvent the policy to protect them- and become a light house for those who wish to come forward but fear retaliation.
    Join us live for her inspirational journey of Tradgedy to Triumph. 

About Self Help

No matter the physical shape we're in, from time to time we may find we have inner work to do, in order to help us experience a more fulfilling life. Whether it's goal-setting, developing coping skills, connecting with a power greater than ourselves or trying to kick old habits, BlogTalkRadio's community of listeners, hosts and guests can help you on your journey to personal transformation. Get inspired with daily, weekly and monthly shows that let you thrive as an active participant, or enjoy the anonymity of being a silent observer in a comforting space with solutions-seeking individuals. Popular topics include time management, soul therapy, adults and children with special needs, 12-step programs, codependence, chakras, empowerment, anxiety and ADHD disorders, music therapy, pet therapy, overcoming obstacles, vision boards, hypnosis, healing and recovery, conquering depression, and personal development through community outreach. Browse these and more to help you achieve your personal best.

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