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Popular in Family

  • 00:16

    Independence Day Meditation

    in Family

    Independence Day Meditation

  • 01:55

    Summer Youth Resources and Employment, Career Information

    in Family

    Bring Back the Family will discuss Youth summer activities and the importance of keeping them busy, involved  and spending quality time investing in our youth. BBTF will also have employment, careers and educational information on who is hiring, free training and educational direction to increase your skills. If We Dont Help Our Youth Now, We Will Be Victims of Not Helping Later.
    "Give a Youth a Vision, that Don't have a Vision"
    Detroit Police, Wayne County Sheriff, City of Detroit are all hiring...

  • 00:28

    Live Healthier Killing Zombie Cells with Ruthanna Smith and Peter Mingils

    in Family

    Live Healthier Killing Zombie Cells with Ruthanna Smith and Peter Mingils on Building Fortunes Radio.
    Ruthanna Smith talks about Zombie Cells with Peter Mingils n this Building Fortunes Radio special segment.  Reverse your Biological Clock.
    Join the LYN movement and find out what we mean when we say
    Is there a way to kill off or remove these Zombie Cells.
    Avoid a build up of Zombie Cells with healthy habits and healthy eating, exercise and  with these products.   What's a Zombie Cell? Call this number (800) 557-7023 and listen to a three minute message. 
    Learn more and get started with Ruthanna Smith
    You can hear more on Building Fortunes Radio https://www.buildingfortunesradio.com/reverse-your-biological-clock-with-ruthanna-smith/ 

About Family

Like the TV show, modern families come in all shapes and sizes. Many children are a product of divorce, are in touch with both their biological and adopted parents, have two moms or two dads (or both), or are being raised by their grandparents. No matter how atypical the face of today's family, the values stay the same: love and support. Moms and dads will find plenty of support in BlogTalkRadio's parenting shows, especially those about time-management topics that fit both stay-at-home and working parents: organizing kids' activity schedules, decluttering, reducing the workweek, managing stress, making quick meals and more. We've also got shows about friendship – you know, your family of choice rather than family of origin. Just remember: everyone's family seems dysfunctional in its own way. And family may irritate you, but more often than not, you can always count on family to pick you up from the airport.

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