Live in Self Help
- Live & Upcoming Episodes (8)
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 3479
in Self Help
Tonight's episode will be lead by Carol Levine (NJ). She will be joined by Michelle Bless (OH). Tuesday night's theme is yet to be decided. Call in number 646/595-2118, 8pm EST, 7 CEN, 6 MTN, 5 PAC. Listeners may also call in with other issues in our Q & A call-in discussion format, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature both our threme for the night and topics brought to the episode by you, our call-in participants. Our trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help us guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma, and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage in tonight's show. ~~ Please visit the web site.
in Motivation
Jay White is one of the most profound persons I have ever had the opportunity to meet. I do not say that lightly, because I have been on the battlefield for community empowerment since 1961 in Watts Ca.
Mr. White’s focus is Always on BUILDING, Self-Sustainability!! My first introduction he owned property and businesses, had a bow tie business, wine company, AND had just began his ATL PEDAL transportation business, he/we celebrated in grand style without apology. Always eager to go higher and take others along on his quest to empower our communities. He conducts rites of passage celebrations for young melanated brothers.
Jay’s question today is Where is Our Focus, What Are WE Building, Are WE Coming Together creating Group Economics?? Long question yet all the components belong. In summary - AS a People We Must Build Our Own, release the thought that someone else is coming to save you/us.
Come prepared to be motivated as Jay shares his newest wealth building venture which will premier in June of 2025!! You must HEAR this….
“Its our collective time to offer knowledge to heal ourselves, our families and our world communities” Sandy Rodgers.
See you on the radio
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 3480
in Self Help
Tonigt's episode will be led by Dr. Nancy V Brown and Penelope Benis.Their special guest Monica Phillips has always been Intentional about her love and compassion towards the people of God and that is Everyone. In Ezekiel 18:4 it says that all souls are mine (Yahweh’s). She is now in year eighteen of doing her Outreach ministry, which she calls Drive Thru Prayer (DTP) she started by hearing the voice of the Lord while sitting in a church service instructing her to “GO” outside in one of the high crime areas in Youngstown, Ohio with pieces of a cardboard box with the words “Need Prayer” written on them and sit in a chair and wait, and before long people where coming from everywhere stating that they needed Prayer! People were being prayed for and their lives were being changed on the spot! Years later people still show up! She's now hosting her conference “This Is My Exodus” which welcomes everyone However it is tailor-made for those men and women who have suffered abuse of any kind including church hurt molestation and sexual abuse within the church walls as Monica was molested and raped at the ages of 13,14 finally dealing with it after 40 years of silence and being Healed Monica’s sincere hope and Prayer is that her Testimony and Mission will help those who are struggling spiritually, mentally, and emotionally to get on the other side of the pain of their abuse with guilt, shame, and self-blame and to LEAVE that place of bondage (Egypt) where the sting of each experience is no more! So, they can walk boldly into their promised land and be all that God called them to be. This Is My Exodus. Everyone's invited to engage in tonight's show. Call in at (646) 595-2118. And be sure to visit the website.
A Playbook For The Future Of America
in Motivation
Anastasia and Sue introduce Anastasia's forthcoming historical fiction-fantasy novel, Camelot Disrupted, (due out in 2025) as the foundation for their (under construction,) social activists' handbook, "A Playbook For Where The United States Now Needs To Go," according to these two non-profit co-founders. Profoundly (and accidentally) begun on January 6, 2021, the day of the Insurrection, Camelot Disrupted is based on Anastasia's true story, dating back to the 1960s and the three assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr and Robert Kennedy. In its telling, Camelot Disrupted depicts the philosophy, put into practice in the Black Bear Mountain Village (BBMV) Project, developed out of the shared vision of these two visionaries. The current BBMV project, including the Small "Zones of Peace" Experiential Education Training Model (ZOP), also a basis for the in-progress "Playbook" was inspired by a quote from Mahatma Gandhi, on building world peace, "We do best to begin by carving out territories or zones of peace where violence and deceit will not be used." The two visionaries came together in 2006 to heal a Jewish Muslim controversy in their local community which they did successfully. Out of that experience was born what would later become the Black Bear Mountain Village Project and the ZOP training approach, both of which took shape during the pandemic, ready for launching in 2025. The "Playbook" is being developed, over time, for publication at a later date. In the meantime, visit our web site at for details on purchasing online Curriculum Modules as the Playbook takes shape. Also join us for coming discussions and storytelling on the Black Bear Mountain Village Project.
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 3481
in Self Help
Tonight's episode will be lead by Carol Levine (NJ). She will be joined by Michelle Bless (OH). Tuesday night's theme is yet to be decided. Call in number 646/595-2118, 8pm EST, 7 CEN, 6 MTN, 5 PAC. Listeners may also call in with other issues in our Q & A call-in discussion format, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature both our threme for the night and topics brought to the episode by you, our call-in participants. Our trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help us guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma, and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage in tonight's show. ~~ Please visit the web site.
in Motivation
The Sandy Rodgers Show was recently awarded – BEST OF BOD TV 2024 TALK SHOWS – THE SANDY RODGERS SHOW!!! By Black On Demand in its first year of production!!
It takes a united effort to achieve this type of success with the first year of production/creation! Each person has played a significant role in making this happen. It was TEAM-work that made the Dream come alive with Success!
The TEAM – Brittany X Banks; Renee Parker-Booker; D’Olivia Jones and Lisa Zunzanyika. A powerful force that simply got the job done in style and with high regards to giving their best to this Award-Winning TV Talk Show.
Come listen to learn from these Power House Women. They accepted roles that produced EXCELLENCE!!
See you on the radio
Halal Industry , Do For Self Dedicated to imam Wali Ayyub Bilal.
in Self Help
Join us every wednesday from 5pm-7pm EST for an addition of The Halal Industry Do For Self with your host Imam Wali Bilal President, Founder and CEOof Bilal's Inc, and co-host James Bashir and Nate Muhammad. Live audience call in to the studio at (515) 605- 9891 or ( 425) 292- 4253. Listen at and by 24 hour streaming at (701) 719 - 4197.Share comments at Tweet us at CWSCShuraa. Visit our parent company, Community Wide Shuraa Conference at,or leave a listener comment at (910 ) 317- 0297.Together we can remake the world
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 3482
in Self Help
Call in number 646/595-2118, 8pm EST, 7 CEN, 6 MTN, 5 PAC. Listeners may also call in with other issues in our Q & A call-in discussion format, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature both our threme for the night and topics brought to the episode by you, our call-in participants. Our trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help us guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma, and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage in tonight's show. ~~ Please visit the web site.