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Stop Child Abuse Now


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Monday to Friday's "Stop Child Abuse Now" (SCAN) feature trauma informed HOSTs and Co-hosts and respected child abuse prevention, intervention and recovery advocates. They're all volunteers members of the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA), a 501(c)3. Founded in 2009, NAASCA.org was originally a grassroots effort. It was launched based on our founder Bill Murray's personal life experienced. Bill wrote, "Very few adults escape years of severe childhood sexual abuse, pre-pubescent X-rated photography, sex trafficking, and a two week long kidnapping." He continued. "But I have, and for some 35 years I've been in recovery from its devastating effects." After years of operating as a grassroots effort, NAASCA became a public charity in 2015 .. a 501(c)3 .. but we receive no grants or outside support, and belong to no other organization. There are no dues or fees. Our MISSION is entirely self-sustaining through the volunteer contributions of our members. The single purpose is to address issues related to childhood abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect from two specific perspectives: 1) educating the public, and 2) offering hope for healing and services to adult survivors. There are now nearly 3000 BlogTalkRadio shows, podcasts in the ever-growing library. Join us five-nights-a-week (Mon to Fri), at 8pm EST (so 7pm CEN, 6pm MTN, 5pm PAC) for solution-oriented discussions about the many issues of child abuse and trauma. The shows always include panel discussions and call-in participation.

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Tonight's special guest is Monica Phillips has always been Intentional about her love and compassion towards the people of God and that is Everyone. In Ezekiel 18:4 it says that all souls are mine (Yahweh's). She is now in year eighteen of doing her Outreach ministry, which she calls Drive Thru Prayer (DTP) she started by hearing the voice of the Lord while sitting in a church service instructing her to ?GO? outside in one of the high crime areas in Youngstown, Ohio with pieces of a cardboard box with the words ?Need Prayer? written on them and sit in a chair and wait, and before long people where coming from everywhere stating that they needed Prayer! People were being prayed for and their lives were being changed on the spot! Years later people still show up! Now hosting her conference ?This Is My Exodus? which welcomes Everyone however it is tailor-made for those men and women who have suffered abuse of any kind including church hurt molestation and sexual abuse within the church walls as Monica was molested and raped at the ages of 13,14 finally dealing with it after 40 years of silence and being Healed Monica's sincere hope and Prayer is that her Testimony and Mission will help those who are struggling spiritually, mentally, and emotionally to get on the other side of the pain of their abuse with guilt, shame, and self-blame and to LEAVE that place of bondage (Egypt) where the sting of each experience is no more! So, they can walk boldly into their promised land and be all that God called them to be. This Is My Exodus. Everyone's invited to engage in tonight's show. Call in at (646) 595-2118. And be sure to visit the NAASCA.org website.
  • in Self Help
  • 01:30

On-Demand Episodes

Tonight's special guest is Gidon Raz from Israel, a returning NAASCA family member who originally surprised us in 2011 by calling in from Jerusalem at first to talk about repressed memories of child abuse that he had recently uncovered.... more

Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host is Bill Murray from... more

Tonight's special guest is Emily Samuelson, Ph.D., from Baltimore, Maryland, a returning NAASCA family member and the Director of the 'Soaring Project.' A psychologist who specializes in treating trauma, she's also a survivor of incest in... more

Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Pastor... more

Tonight's special guest is Amanda Forest from Boise, Idaho, who says, ?I grew up in a loving Christian family full of dysfunction. There was hardly any adult supervision or guidance. I became easy prey for pedophiles, who used alcohol... more

Tonight's special guest is Patricia Steele from Interlochen, Michigan. As an addict, she drank to medicate the pain of life, desperately trying to numb feelings of shame and defeat. She was responsible for a car accident that took the life of... more

Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Dr... more

Tonight's special guest is René Michele from Parrearra, Queensland, Australia, a life coach for women and an author ('Battle Scars Are Beautiful: From Victim To Victory'), who serves as NAASCA's Ambassador to Queensland... more

Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Sharyn... more

Tonight's special guest is Beth Donahue from Port Richey, Florida, a returning NAASCA family member who's both a survivor and an activist. She'll be catching us up with any number of things she's been doing over the last year or so.... more
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