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We All Got Our Stuff

Real Talk: Conversations About Life & Living


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Join Jennifer Jordan, future psychotherapist, for a weekly "real talk" session with subject matter experts and other knowledgeable people about relationships, mental health issues, as well as other “life-stuff.”

On-Demand Episodes

?Destination DeJonee...her courageous journey with GBS?#d

So what, now what...if not you, then who? - Darryl Watson

?Real Talk? Blogtalkradio Show Panels discussBack to school amidst COVID-19 Thursday, July 30, 2020 7:00 pm EST (845) 241-9950

With LawrenceWashington -Overcoming Mental Barriers though Faith, Personal Development, and Love Overcoming Depression and Suicidal Thoughts...

?Juneteenth...What's It All About, Anyway?"with Kaleisha Walker

The Forgotten Pandemic - HIV/AIDS 2020

Honoring military personnel

Elder care law issues

Making you real estatrdreams come true with Arlene Thurman-Harris, Ph.D.

How the church and education can make things better today?

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