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We All Got Our Stuff

Real Talk: Conversations About Life & Living


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Join Jennifer Jordan, future psychotherapist, for a weekly "real talk" session with subject matter experts and other knowledgeable people about relationships, mental health issues, as well as other “life-stuff.”

On-Demand Episodes

Guest Anthony Tydis White discusses redefining

A diverse group of men weigh in about what they want out of life, living, working, relationships, being

Real Talk: Bipolar Disorder and its Messy Secrets with Sakina McCoy, MS, MHC

Dr. Seth Williams talks about the Aging and Ailing population, and the special considerations and impact on families... 1:00 to 2:00 pm EST...

Illness can be shocking...but it can also teach you things that you never knew! Come join in some real talk with guest Cindy Simmons Borders, who is a breast cancer survivor, as well as a surprise guest who will share her thoughts about a... more

Modern trends and challenges that affect Emerging Adults of Color, particularly African American men who face various challenges.

Join Jennifer Jordan, future psychotherapist, for a weekly "real talk" session with subject matter experts and other knowledgeable people about relationships, mental health issues, as well as other ?life-stuff.?

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