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David and Diane Ministries

Words of Inspiration


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There's a Sound upon the earth. We are living in the last days. If you are not connected to the Spirit of God you will miss it. Prophet blow the trumpet.

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Cain, the firstborn, was a farmer, and his brother Abel was a shepherd. The brothers made sacrifices to God, but God favored Abel's sacrifice instead of Cain's. Join Lady D in this inspiring message,

Praise God for this day of thanksgiving trusting that all is well with the live we now live. God is still on the thron and He gets all the praise in Jesus name. Elder David Ambrose Shaw continues with reading of the word of God from the King... more

Praise God for this Thanksgiving day with the opprtunity to give thanks. Elder David Ambrose Shaw continues with the reading of the bible. The readings come from the King James version of the holy bible. We are thankfull for all that... more

Elder David Ambrose Shaw continues with the bible reading. Currently we are reading from the book of Micha 1 out of King James version of the bible.

Elder David Ambrose Shaw continues withthe reading of the Bible. The book is Amos 8 from the King James version of God Holy Word. Tune in and be blessed with the bible truth spoken in anointed deliveranc.

Praise God in the name of Jesus for His goodness and grace. Elder David Ambrose Shaw continues with the bible reading from the King James version of the bible. Currently we are in the book of Joel and under the anointing of... more

Created by God from Adam's rib. She could be the only woman in history with no belly button, but whether or not she had one she is the only woman who has ever lived who wasn't born into this world as a baby.

Elder David Ambrose Shaw continues with the reading of the word 9f God from the King James version of Lord God holy Word. God bless all in Jesus name be blessed.

Elder David Abrose Saw continues with the reading of the word of God. We will be coming from the book of Hosea. Join us for a spirit fill reading of Gods holy word.

Elder David Ambrose Shaw continues with a power packed mreading from Gods holy word (King James version). We are in the book of Daniel. Praise God for you with His anoiting, Amen.

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