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David and Diane Ministries

Words of Inspiration


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There's a Sound upon the earth. We are living in the last days. If you are not connected to the Spirit of God you will miss it. Prophet blow the trumpet.

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Praise God for another day above ground, foe this is a great day to be alive in Jesus name. Elder David Ambrose Shaw began the book of Daniel and continues with the power of deliverence in His word. Join us and blessed.

Elder David Ambrose Shaw returns to the powerful week of reading the word of God King James version. Listen with the anointing of the Spirit of God through the recieving and the deliverence of the Wor of God that was ans is the... more

The separation of God and man occurred when Adam and Eve sinned by disobeying God in the Garden of Eden. Their sins of disobedience caused all of humanity to be separated from God. Join Lady D as she brings forth an... more

Join me as I do a insprational study on the Character of Adam. Adam was the first man on earth and the father of the human race. God formed him from the earth, and for a short time, Adam lived alone. He arrived on the planet with no... more

Praise God for another day to serve the Lord God. This is that tim that we dedicate our time talent and tresure for the anvancement of Gods Kingdom. Please be blesseed as we come from the book of Ezekiel43 chapter. be blessed

We thank God for you conyinuing to support our ministry. David and diane ministry and friends blog. talk radio as we read through the bible. We are currently in the book of Ezekiel 39 and with the anointing, we allow God to have... more

Praise God for another day to read the word of God King James version of the bible. God has been good to us and we send our blrssings to you today. God bless you.

Praise God for another day to readng the bible from the King James version of the bible.

Elder David Ambrose Shaw continues with the reading of the bible from Genesis to Revelations, We currently are in the book of Ezeliek 24. Please join us as we bring the word under the Spirit of the most Almighty God as we read from the... more

Christians must demonstrate a healthy lifestle that reveal the fruits of the Spirit. Your character is always on display. Join me as I speak on the fruits of the spirit. Lady D.

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