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Karen Tate

Voices of the Sacred Feminine


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I AM ENOUGH & SO ARE YOU! NEW SHOW FORMAT on VOICES OF THE SACRED FEMININE! Discussing Sex, Power, Religion and Politics with Karen Tate, thought leader, author, speaker and social justice activist. Every Wednesday hear Dr. Rev. Karen Tate, discussing the bees buzzing round in her bonnet: local, national, global and personal from a Divine Feminine, or Right Brain point of view. Some call it the Feminine Consciousness or the shift away from patriarchal values to manifest a new and much needed normal. Raise your consciousness and save the world! It hasn't always been this way. And things don't have to stay the same. Fear Not - taste the forbidden fruit! Dare to speak it out loud! Rethink, reclaim and embrace wisdom and knowledge denied us far too long. Unlock your tool kit and empower yourself as you learn long hidden truths and ideas from your home altar to the voting booth, including what denying the feminine face of god, deity, archetype or ideal, has cost humanity! Karen Tate's 7 published books include her newest, Normalizing Abuse; A Commentary On The Culture of Pervasive Abuse, Sacred Places of Goddess; 108 Destinations, Walking An Ancient Path; Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth, Goddess Calling; Inspirational Messages & Meditations of Sacred Feminine Liberation Thealogy and the anthology based on this show, Voices of the Sacred Feminine; Conversations to ReShape Our World. That book, along with the anthologies Goddess 2.0. and Awaken the Feminine comprise the famous "manifesting a new normal" trilogy. Visit Karen's website: karentate.net and "like" my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/KarenTateAuthor

On-Demand Episodes

At the top of the hour, journalist Rachel Tabachnick, who has done extensive research on the ideology and methods of Sarah Palin's Church - Assemblies of God, will discuss her findings, as well as explain the ideas that have these... more

Rene Barnett, producer of the docu-drama, Bloodline, the story of the bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, returns to the show with new information that has been revealed since the release of the aformentioned controversial... more

Organic gardner and freelance writer specializing in farming and environmental issues, local food production and gardening discusses how the male-dominated Biotech Ag industry is attempting to disempower the feminine by defeating... more

Tami Lynn Kent, author of Wild Feminine will discuss what she's learned from the female body's intact beauty and abundant creative potential that we can tap into to reweave our lives. Also, restoring the feminine as a micro and macro process,... more

Den Poitras calls himself a radical male feminist who believes in parthenogenesis. Well, he doesn't really just believe in it - one of his best friends might possibly have accomplished it. Tune in to hear about his life experiences... more

Marie Jones, author of The Trinity Secret: The Power of Three and the Code of Creation will discuss the concept of the trinity concept found in many religions, if science has anything to say about a triune nature of reality, why the number... more

Steven Jones, filmmaker of the new documentary on Olivia Robertson, one of the founders of the Fellowship of Isis, will discuss the making of the documentary and his insights from Lady Olivia Robertson after having spent so much time... more

Beloved Foremother Barbara Walker will discuss her newest book, Man Made God which will include topics such as what's the basic excuse for oppression of women by all three so-called Abrahamic patriarchal religions. How does... more

Queen of Heaven: Goddess or Demon....Foremother of the Women's Spirituality Movement, Charlene Spretnak, her latest new book, Relational Reality: New Discoveries of Interrelatedness That Are Transforming the Modern World. We... more

Gary Bobroff and K.D. Farris, Jungian authors, workshop facilitators, therapists and graduates of Pacifica Graduate Institute discuss Masculine and Feminine Archetypes in a way that we can determine the primary archetype that guides... more
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