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Rev Marcy Ann

Reflections & Celebrations


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Hello! I am Marcy Ann and I am an untraditionally-ordained minister who has found the unified field between science and religion. I did weddings at the beach for 20 years in Orange County, CA. I have written a book about what I have observed over the years about love and marriage and weddings and you can download it for free at www.whereismrright.com. I have asked Why? my whole life. Some of my answers will amuse you and some will confuse you, some will challenge you and some reflections will just be Marcy Ann's own personal Truth with a capital T. All shows are archived for listening at any time, on your computer or android phone.

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tONIGHT, i AM having a 21st Century Prayer Meeting so you can begin to practice praying your prayers that you want to have answered, knowing that the answer to your prayer is YES!

After y ou have taken care of all of your personal needs by getting all of your prayers answered, then you can begin to Decree. A Decree is a proclamatikon that is sanctioned by God and spoken by you throuigh the passion of your... more

pROBABLY more people pray to be healed than any other prayer that is prayer. People pray to be healed of diseases. People pray to be healed of a traumatic experience. People pray to be relieved from pain. So, what can you expect to... more

There is a vast invisible to us multitude of cosmic workers who are ready, willing and able to go to work immediately the very second you pray and they take your words and go to work to make the answer to your prayers! Learn about them... more

Starting January 11th - I am going to tell you - again - about prayer that works everytime. I heard a preacher one time say that God answers prayer - sometimes He says yes, sometimes He says no and sometimes He says maybe. This is... more

This is Part IV - the last of this series on the revolutionaly way to lose weight - it's not what you eat, it's what you say.

Today's show is Pat's story of weight management.

Today is part II of a 4 part series on weight management. Our body is also a 4 part series! We have a spiritual body, we have a mental body, we have an emotional body, and we have the physical body which is the part which we see.... more

If you have been alone and you would like to have a relationship - and, you've got your kids raised and they are now on their own, have you considered that once the kids are gone, you can consider a relationship that perhaps doesn't fit... more

What do we do when we just can't seem to see the future? Even the psychics are saying it's all kinda foggy! I recently went whale watching off the coast of Southern California - and what I saw was FOG! So, on this 3-hour tour, in the fog, I... more
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