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Rev Marcy Ann

Reflections & Celebrations


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Hello! I am Marcy Ann and I am an untraditionally-ordained minister who has found the unified field between science and religion. I did weddings at the beach for 20 years in Orange County, CA. I have written a book about what I have observed over the years about love and marriage and weddings and you can download it for free at www.whereismrright.com. I have asked Why? my whole life. Some of my answers will amuse you and some will confuse you, some will challenge you and some reflections will just be Marcy Ann's own personal Truth with a capital T. All shows are archived for listening at any time, on your computer or android phone.

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Have you ever wondered about who you are and why you are here? Did you have anything to do with it all?

In the United States, we still are statistically a Christian nation. Hard to believe if you watch the news. Christians have been taught to go into all the world and preach the gospel. And the "gospel" was suppose to be "good news." Have you... more

I want to talk today about the teeniest-tiniest little bit of you -- that .00000000001% that is down deep inside of you that still hopes for the best. That part of you is the most important part of you!! Listen to the story of one of my... more

As we make this correction to our culture, especially during this time of the eve of our Presidential Election, let us take a moment, and give a listen to some ideas from beyond our current time. We have many partners who are standing by and... more

Inbetween Socialism and Donald Trump on the red button are some daily problems that just keep being problems without any solutions, mostly because we keep trying to deal with the symptoms and never really get to the real reason for... more

I think we get our idea of having "rights" and actually, the whole concept of war comes from dualistic thinking - basically that the light is fighting the darkness. But this isn't true! Give my idea a chance.

I have been listening to all of the talk since the Dallas shootings of the 5 police officers. And I wondered what Jesus would say about it, so I ask him. And here is his answer

I am continuing my thoughts from my last show, What is Love. I think I have found the reason why protesting is a way of life here in the U.S. It's like protesting is the way we show our love for what we want - we protest against what we... more

Even the Bible definition of love is more about what love isn't than what love is. As a person who marries people, I say that definition of love almost every week during my wedding ceremony for my couples. And of course there is that... more

The headline I saw this week that caught my eye was: Ordinary rock holds shocking surprise inside!!
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