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Consulting in the C-Suite

Consulting In the C-Suite


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The life-cycle of a business can be quite complex. From start-up to growth there are many issues business leaders face. Later, they must consider succession planning or even mergers. C-Suite consultant Laurie Huspen provides guidance on some of the key issues business owners face during their tenure.

On-Demand Episodes

The range of issues that an HR department covers continues to grow and evolve. Any company with even a few employees needs someone in charge of HR. In this discussion, HR professional Laurie Huspen will discuss the pros and cons of... more

Despite laws allowing individuals to carry guns in some states, businesses may still restrict their presence in the workplace. Leading HR executive Laurie Huspen discusses policies for employees, guests, vendors, and customers. Find out... more

Many people consider gossip in the workplace to be nothing more than an annoyance. Industry-leading HR experts like Laurie Huspen, however, know the cost can be much greater. In this episode of her podcast, Laurie talks about he... more

HR professional Laurie Huspen shares a case study of a C-Suite experience during her career in which financial fraud was uncovered through sound HR practices. She will share details on how other HR pros can learn to identify key... more

There are a number of critical issues to deal with during a merger, many of them financial. Why should leaders be concerned with human resources? Laurie Huspen, a leader in the HR field discusses the financial ramifications HR has... more

C-suite executive Laurie Huspen talks about steps companies can take post-merger to maximize success. Today's job market places a premium on retaining good employees and offering great benefits and an appealing work... more

What will the impact of teh Great Resignation be in the near term? How can businesses attract good employees and work with them to move a company forward? C-suite executive Laurie Huspen talks about things good companies... more

One of the things that defines a successful business is its culture. While two businesses may be very successful, they may have completely different cultures. What happens when those companies merge or even when new management... more

For many of us it has been more than a year since we have been in the office. As opportunities to return start to come closer what should R teams be doing to prepare? What will have changed and what new policies and processes might... more

As a small business owner, you need to evaluate how to best use your time. There are many functional needs like law, accounting, marketing and HR that require expertise but many businesses don't need full-time employees for those... more

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