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To our friends and fans we have moved to KPHRED.com. We broadcast 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In January we will be launching our own dial in phone number 1-724-9KPHRED phone number. We are accepting another 15 weekly show hosts. If you are interested fill out the form on KPHRED.com to become a show host. We are launching our own show host education program in January. Hope to see you there.

On-Demand Episodes

Bringing you technology news & information from around the world

Millions of new companies are started every year all over the globe. Most of these companies are local service providers trying to build a platform for feeding the owner and her family. None of these companies will make it to the... more

Lupus and cancer are debilitating diseases that rob people's strengths. Nonprofit organizations such as the Lupus Foundation and Wellness House give hope, comfort and renewed strength those who carry the fight against lupus and... more

"The Journey of YES" Are you seeking the next, more true & passionate, direction for work and life? Something that's a powerful "Yes" - both internally and in-the-world? Or... Do you have a clear purpose but are frustrated... more

"Segueway to Success" Join Brent Hamachek, Tom Kuchan and their guests as they provide insight on current issues and events affecting businesses now: Timely and timeless topics with tested ideas and proven solutions for the... more

What's on your Bucket List? Who hasn't seen the almost magical, colorful Air Balloon floating across the sky & thought. "I want to do that!" Or, is writing that book you've been talking about for years top of your list (like it is mine!)? Join... more

Join me on The Empowerment Show September 24 when Joie Gharrity founder of No. 113 Branding. She integrates her techniques and strategic branding vision with both the creative and business sides of the entertainment industry for her... more

There are many types of color-reviews a federal proposal team performs, but what is a Black Hat Exercise? Brian Lindholm is Founder and CEO of FedSavvy Strategies out of DC and Eileen will be asking Brian, what is a black hat... more

Do appearance and sex appeal really mean that much in sales? Aren't we supposed to be past all that? And what if, well, we just don't have much sex appeal, what then? We'll find out from Beatrice Stonebanks, aka The Sales... more

"Got Lemons? Make Business Lemmon-Aide" - Improve your ROI! Fridays at 2 PM here on BTR Linked Local Network Today Cam will interview IVOR KELLOCK. Ivor is the founder and President of a sales training company in... more