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To our friends and fans we have moved to KPHRED.com. We broadcast 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In January we will be launching our own dial in phone number 1-724-9KPHRED phone number. We are accepting another 15 weekly show hosts. If you are interested fill out the form on KPHRED.com to become a show host. We are launching our own show host education program in January. Hope to see you there.

On-Demand Episodes

Free Your Genius Within Play music with your mind? Do puzzles using your brain power? Reprogram your own brain waves to normalize them? Sounds like science fiction but it is Neurofeedback (bio-feedback for the brain)! Our guest on this... more

Bringing you technology news & information from around the world

Millions of new companies are started every year all over the globe. Most of these companies are local service providers trying to build a platform for feeding the owner and her family. None of these companies will make it to the... more

On this episode, we welcome Marvin T. Keeling, founder of the Keeling Family Foundation, a Hinsdale-based nonprofit committed to providing a permanent avenue to charitable giving. Besides helping various groups such as Special... more

Seize the Rest of Your Life Have you deferred a dream because it seemed impractical? Then join The On Purpose Show on Thursday September 19, 2013 at 10am pacific time (time zone converter) for an inspiring conversation with BJ... more

"Segueway to Success" Join Brent Hamachek, Tom Kuchan and their guest "RB" as they talk about how to travel safely abroad. "RB" is our international security expert - a former member of the U.S. military who has spent his post-military... more

How's your financial security? Are your savings, retirement and investment plans working for you? Got questions? Listen live 9/18/13 at 10:00am. Call into show at 323-580-5755. Tamara Leigh's Trend On with Heidi Feemster and guest Trisha... more

The first time Rebecca Bloomfield found herself without a partner, she was driven to ensure the quality of life for her children. She pushed herself to find a job that would not only support her family, but ensure her children could receive all of the... more

GSA is implementing the Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative across some of the commodity schedules which could affect small business and jobs in federal contracting. One of those schedules is Hardware Superstore Schedule 51V and... more

People today are living longer than ever before, and many "seniors" have a lot of buying power along with some additonal needs. We'll be chatting with Cherly Kuba, award-winning author, caregiving expert and Executive... more