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Close Up Radio with veteran award-winning broadcast TV and radio hosts/media personalities Jim Masters and Doug Llewelyn is an exciting, informative, entertaining, thought-provoking and empowering broadcast series featuring several LIVE episodes daily and is a service of the Telly-award winning Close Up Television, a full service media company that provides entrepreneurs, business owners and extraordinary people a platform to share their story worldwide. On Close Up Radio, we feature fascinating guests from every walk of life! Entertainment, music, publishing, art, travel, health & wellness, self-help, sports, business, finance, science and much more. With shows 7 days a week, Close Up Radio with Jim Masters and Doug Llewelyn offers you the opportunity to hear amazing stories from amazing guests and from around the globe. Join us! We also invite you to like and enjoy our Facebook Fan Page at: www.facebook.com/CloseUpRadio. Thank you! Welcome to Close Up Radio!

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NORTHAMPTON, MA - Lenore Shepard is a Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker, CBT for insomnia practitioner, and Reiki Practitioner. She is a practitioner of the Integrative Health model. That might sound like a mouthful, but it is really quite simple. Every choice we make in our life has powerful implications for our health. This includes the foods we ingest, how we respond to stress, even our thoughts, is interconnected, and if we change even one behavior for the better, it impacts our overall well-being and ability to heal. Take for instance sleep. If we do not routinely get enough sleep, we might not digest well, we will have low energy, increased appetite, hormonal dysregulation and our immunity can be compromised. Improved sleep is but one example of the integrative health concept and journey toward wholeness. Lenore honed her natural capacity for helping others in various coaching and medicinal programs. She was first introduced to coaching in 2005 and studied at 3 schools to hone her craft. Today she runs a practice known as Coaching With Lenore, a health and wellness practice that supports clients in activating internal strengths and external resources to make sustainable and healthy lifestyle behavior changes. Her different packages are aimed at helping clients learn healthy and adaptive lifestyle patterns and behaviors, reducing their stress response, improving their diet and sleep, increasing their adaptiveness to change, deepening into self compassion, and incorporating mindfulness practices into their daily routine. She also offers spiritual counseling and works with empaths. For more information about Lenore and her vocation, please visit her website www.coachingwithlenore.com
  • by Close Up Radio
  • in Health
  • 00:30

On-Demand Episodes

ATLANTA, GA - Nicole Smart is a life transformational coach with a blended methodology that enables people to unlock their protentional and become true architects of their futures. She stresses that once we achieve inner healing and... more

Topeka, KS - A popular much loved former high school counselor, Cynthia Coufal understands how navigating life's challenges overwhelming and downright frustrating for youngsters can be. Faced with a myriad of challenges that come... more

Houston, TX - Colonel (Ret) Joseph Frankie, a distinguished military veteran, coach, and successful executive recruiter, has co-authored a best-selling game-changing book on LinkedIn networking with Lori Ruff. ?LinkedIn: The Five... more

Livermore CA - Cynthia Sutton, the Founder of A Moonlit Path, is a highly sought after Empath, Intuitive, Energy Healer, Psychic Medium and Divine Channel. She is also a Reiki Master, Sound and Vibroacoustic Therapist, Theta Healing... more

Harrisburg, PA - Deborah Vereen is a thought leader, master trainer, and a subject matter expert in the area of DEIB. Now, most people might be familiar with those initials when it comes to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, but... more

Sacramento, CA - Lori Bartle is a business advisor and coach for marketing agencies, and the founder of Cultivagency. Now if you separate that into its two root words; you'll realize her consultancy is about cultivating human agency in... more

Reno, NV - In 2023, the U.Sohnay Foley is shedding light on the causes and what everyone can do to prevent, lessen, or eliminate chronic musculoskeletal pain. Known for his expertise in orthopedic surgery and multi-disciplinary approach to... more

Naples, TX - Positive Communication Systems, LLC, founded by divorce coach Mardi Winder-Adams, is proud to announce specialized Divorce Coaching Services. Building upon years of experience in family mediation and executive... more

Savannah, GA - According to a 2023 article by Scientific American, ?Two Thirds of American Kids Can't Read Fluently.? According to renowned educator Dr. Clifford King, the problem is that an insufficient amount of time is being devoted... more

San Rafael, CA – Daniel Ruth is the founder and principal of Dignity Life. Dignity Life offers three main services – consulting for healthcare workers and organizations, consulting for seniors and families, and expert... more