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Popular in Self Help

  • WHAT THE HECK IS TAI CHI? PART 2!! featuring Barry, Veda and Ernest

    in Motivation

    Our dynamic speakers include a trio that is dynamic in action and passionate about their craft. Barry is the most experienced or senior with the team with 25 years, Veda who received her initial training under Arthur Cole now teaches classes in various venues and Ernest Hester assists whenever an opportunity arises and his message is potent as he delivers a ‘YOU Can Do This’ message to absolutely every living soul!!
    Classes are currently being held all around the Metro Atlanta area and expanding every day, the locations include parks, Senior Centers, County Centers and more. During class you learn and practice the gently easy movements of Tai Chi and Qigong, both of which are preventive recipes for better and improved health.
    Come prepared with any questions you may have from their initial show or other questions you may have.
    Please join with us tonight as we continue to learn about a gentle form of body movement which helps with stress, anxiety, inner peace, energy and balance!!
    See you on the radio
    Contact info: YouTube –The EPOCHH Complex by Barry E Murray

  • Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - #3464

    in Self Help

    Special topic show - please call in!! Those who call in will form a panel who'll describe, and be critical of, NAASCA's tools, programs, and services. Just call in to participate or to suggest a topic!! ~~ (646) 595-2118 ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, and survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma, and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage in tonight's show. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org website.

  • Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - #3465

    in Self Help

    Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host is Pastor Deborah Schleich, who grew up all over the world in a military family where her mother was mentally ill. Pastor Deborah is now a survivor-professional, living in Pensacola, Florida. She's trained in ministry, mental health, working with substance abuse, and is a trauma-informed social worker .. all in one! She volunteers with many community organizations. Pastor Deborah says she ".. can minister by text, phone, Skype, in person and however the Lord directs her, 24/7." Pastor Debra teaches that humans have three parts: spirit, soul, and the physical body, and believes that all 3 are important and that each area needs care. We thank Pastor Deborah for being an active member of the NAASCA family! ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, and survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma, and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage in tonight's show. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org website. 

  • Why Do Women Love & Attract Broken Men?

    in Relationships

    "Unapologetically Dani"
    THIS WEEK'S SHOW-04/02/2021 -"Why Do Women Love & Attract Broken Men?"
    WE'LL LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! - Call the Studio ~ (516) 453-9392 
    Email: daniskye1980@yahoo.com 
    YouTube Channel: Dani Skye STLPOET

About Self Help

No matter the physical shape we're in, from time to time we may find we have inner work to do, in order to help us experience a more fulfilling life. Whether it's goal-setting, developing coping skills, connecting with a power greater than ourselves or trying to kick old habits, BlogTalkRadio's community of listeners, hosts and guests can help you on your journey to personal transformation. Get inspired with daily, weekly and monthly shows that let you thrive as an active participant, or enjoy the anonymity of being a silent observer in a comforting space with solutions-seeking individuals. Popular topics include time management, soul therapy, adults and children with special needs, 12-step programs, codependence, chakras, empowerment, anxiety and ADHD disorders, music therapy, pet therapy, overcoming obstacles, vision boards, hypnosis, healing and recovery, conquering depression, and personal development through community outreach. Browse these and more to help you achieve your personal best.

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